It used to be Gerard Way..... He is really cute....
Gah! *backs away slowly*
Gah! um.... Hi?
'sup? :)
OMFG! I have that book. Damn I cried..... *sigh*
Ooc: 'Kay..... Bic: Luna was sitting alone in a park. "H-hey..." Lilly said and came sitting next to her. "Hey..."
Hel-lo-oo? Recap, please!
Uh.... It was 12.56 when you posted that and now it's 13.04.... If you were talking to me.....
Now it's 12.54. When I posted the thread it was 12.15
Meh, I'm not that often online this time..... <.< ...... Stupid me......
Only 6 members online? Edit: 'kay, now 9.....
'Sup peepz?
That's nice :)
What's up?
Just came from my theater practice. You?
I guess so :)
'Ello! .
Hey! .
Hello! .