I wanted to see it with my friends, but when we got to the counter, they said "Do you have an IC?" I'm 15, FML.
If the mother is strong hearted, and can support the baby, then, why not? If she breaks down, then abort/give away for adoption. Father should get shot too, for not using a condom.
In that case, sora's dad is Ansem. :lolface: But, Sora's mom would probably have been more worried about her self than him. Like the great Dr.House once said, "you care about your patients, but you care about your self more"
If i went to prison, i would feel scared :( But, it's a intresting learning experience even though it's slightly weird.
how bout all bottle items, so all magics, at the start? Like KH2 :)
yes, look at the first page, find the code, edit the last 2 digits (which should be 63) And change them to 01
Character modding i think. Just replace goofy with riku, and donald with mickey Simple stuff
yes, as long as the characters didn't express their gayness.
ahh lol. It's still part of staff :)
Changes to society will be vastly changed by new changing technology
Twilight thorn, and neoshadow :)
Skipping scenes, and bits where the camera sucks.
heyy welcome back :))
Nice vid :) I thought it was slightly too short. No biggie though :)
Use the RCM Search for "The End" roxas battle code, use it, and get his keyblades Use when Roxas is doing his despration attack, and get his keyblades, while he keeps his.
Very Nice :) I shall, wear? use? it now.
hey:) welcome to Kh-vids You know forums, and how they work, read the rules blah blah and post more :)
nono, flaming means telling people "fu" and stuff like that. His name is in red just becaues he's an admin here.
because flaming is against the rules, you can get banned. Also, he's a admin.
SO TRUE. And Suikoden 1-5 Series.FTW.