...bored... ...anyone know of any good shows on netflix worth watching?
I bought a n3ds last week and got all of the kh games for it. Just beat days last night, next will be re:coded. And it only took me 3 years to catch up... ...must be some kind of trend of mine. XD
Thanks for the help!
Hey Misty, I had a quick question. Did prem requirements change while I disappeared again or did things just get wonky due to the site changing?...
I think I just might do that. You'd think I'd get used to seeing the forums change from visit to visit due to my infrequent visits. XD Edit: The awesome in that post... ...too much to bare!
Hello fellow prem, how are things? =P Edit: I lost my prem on this new fangled forum. =/ Now I'm a colorless freak!
I've already spent over 100 bucks on games on steam so far. What's 2 more bucks? XD Also, does anyone know how to get Fallout 3 to work on a windows 7 pc? I was kind of hoping it would just work fine without me messing with things. =/
Thanks for the info guys, I might buy a couple or dozen games later tonight when I get back from work. Also considering Skyrim is only 30 bucks at the moment. XD
So Steam is having some really great sales at the moment and I had a question about some stuff. I only got steam last month and got some games through the humble indie bundle and those games work fine, but that leads to my question. If I got a game like fallout 3 or Skyrim on there, is there any drm I should worry about and would it work just like any other games on steam. Also when buying games through steam, can I just pay the actual amount through paypal or do I have to put in random amounts.
I'm here, every once in a great while. Ah so I qualify.
During the course of ME2, you put together a small team and during it your choices determine if they live or die. Also during the end, you have to choose people to do tasks. Choose the right person for the task they live and choose wrong they can die. It's just little details like that that make it great. Yeah in ME3 you gather war assets, but they don't fight along side you on screen like that squad you put together in ME2. If they did show battalions of krogans, asari commandos, or any other war assets you've obtained during the game help you during the battles on Earth...hell if they even showed them off in the background, that would have gave ME3's ending more impact...at least in my opinion. That's basically why ME2 is my favorite of the trilogy. Yeah it may have been a side quest in the grand scheme of things, but the decisions you make throughout that game affect and show up during the ending.
So I wasn't the only one tricked by the robot dog advert. XD I used to hate the ending, now with the extended cut I'm more ok with it. I still like the series, but before the extended cut the ending to ME3 just wasn't as satisfying especially compared to ME2's ending. That is the only gripe I had with the game...oh that and the robot dog...they at least could have made it a tad more interactive...
I bought both DAO and DA2 on DA2's release day because a friend of mine said DAO was an excellent game and before then I played ME and ME2 and liked those games. I played through DAO and its dlc and I liked it, then I played DA2... ...I'll just say I'm not even interested in DA3...whenever that's announced...
Man I was a sheltered child... I don't know the first games I played, but I know the first system I played. When I was like 3 or 4 or something like that, my parents let me play their old Atari 2600 games. Back then I didn't even know what a Nintendo or a Sega was...
I bought the collector's edition, you should have seen my reaction when I saw the ending...
*insert old man voice here* In my day we didn't have all these fancy smancy insert buttons. To insert a youtube video you had to manually insert the code... *mumbles on*
I'd have to say the Legend of Dragoon. Don't know why, it just sticks out when compared to other games I've played I guess.
Did someone say Halo Trial? Spoiler I forgot that used to be a thing on these forums. XD
Get out of my psyche! D=
I don't have money. X_X