That's a general problem with a lot of anime. Usually it cripples an anime, but there are some exceptions such as the original Fullmetal Alchemist.
No clue, I didn't feel like reading it. All I really know is that the story continues on beyond where the anime ended. Only downside is that the manga itself is still ongoing.
I remember this show, yeah it had potential but the show ended up being..."meh" I'd just stick to its manga if I were you. =/
Last time when I tried to change it, back while I was still active, a couple people freaked. XD Decided to to keep it the same...forever.
It's true, there is no escape... I've tried countless times over the past 6 and a half years and yet I still end up back here. An additional curse is that when you try to escape so often no one seems to remember you. =D
Hey!... I'm never here so here's a thread stating that I'm never here.
Seems to be a trend, when I was active here I RPed. Nowadays I just randomly show up in the spamzone.
Not sure if I remember correctly, but I think my parents have a Christmas ornament that played this song. =/ Edit: Looks like I was wrong.
I was going to make a post like this but the last time I checked 20 severely beats 84. Dx
I'd join you, but I own xbox version. If the first 2 games were originally released on the PS3 back in 2010, I would have bought a PS3 instead of an xbox...
Spoiler Ah, I see what you're saying. Unless you got him killed on the suicide mission in me2, then I think that's how things always play out in me3. I don't think there is a way for him to just die without anything happening, but that's just going on information from the top of my head.
The spam zone is a scary place, when something happens or I do something not related to this site a topic pops up related to it. I too just got a ps3...could it be a conspiracy or is it just me being being paranoid due to the time of night? XD
No wonder why I can't completely disappear...
Shocking yes, amazing no. Now excuse me, back to lurking I go.
Isn't being invisible a special kind of lurking? You're logged in, but no one can see you...might have to try it out sometime!
Considering the last time I was active on a day to day basis, that was probably back in 07 or 08. XD
I'm still here...every other month...mostly lurking. ;D
I've lost count of the many times this place has changed. The only thing I know that has never changed is my avy and sig.