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  1. Gamefreak103
    I am just one level away from discharge but do I really want to teach a special attack to a pokemon who specializes in physical moves?
    Also is there a physical electric type better then spark besides wild charge or am I better off just giving it discharge?
    Post by: Gamefreak103, May 13, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Gamefreak103
    Think I'll do that due to not having enough blue shards for ice punch. XD
    Post by: Gamefreak103, May 12, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Gamefreak103
    Yeah, that sounds more useful, I'll probably look into that later.
    Post by: Gamefreak103, May 12, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Gamefreak103
    Good point...not really fond of 2 turn attacks though. =/
    Post by: Gamefreak103, May 12, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Gamefreak103
    I wouldn't blame you, our usernames were closely identical.

    On a separate note, why the hell does floatzel learn razor wind when it specializes physical moves? XD
    Post by: Gamefreak103, May 12, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Gamefreak103
    Finally got through victory road.
    I'll keep this info in mind, thanks!

    Like my avatar, my name is unchanging. =P
    Post by: Gamefreak103, May 12, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Gamefreak103
    I must be thinking of the gen 3 games.
    Post by: Gamefreak103, May 11, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Gamefreak103
    I only have a 3ds on hand, even so wouldn't I have to beat the league in platinum before I could trade between those games anyway?
    Post by: Gamefreak103, May 11, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Gamefreak103
    My kangaskhan's earthquake almost took out pikachu then red full restored and it went downhill from there. XD
    Not going to try again for now though, I'm just going through victory road in platinum then grind some levels.
    Post by: Gamefreak103, May 11, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Gamefreak103
    I'm not that fond of flying types, I only have one around so that I can always fly around. XD

    Now that I remembered red, I'm going to battle him real fast.
    I'll tell you how disastrous that went in a sec.

    Edit 1:
    Pikachu destroyed kangaskhan in 2 turns and just hit a critical on my alakazam with a quick attack. XD[DOUBLEPOST=1368321003][/DOUBLEPOST]
    Edit 2:
    ...and lapras finished me off...that went well.
    Post by: Gamefreak103, May 11, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Gamefreak103
    Luckily I made a thread like this one when I started playing that game.
    Here was my team.
    My team consists of:
    A lv 46 Feraligatr
    It has a rash nature and its ability is torrent
    Its moves are ice fang, crunch, surf, and slash.

    lv 43 Fearow
    Its has a mild nature and its ability is keen eye.
    Its moves are aerial ace, fly, pursuit, and fury attack.

    lv 46 Ampharos
    It has a sassy nature and its ability is static
    Its moves are thunderpunch(looking to replace), charge, discharge, and thunderwave

    lv 40 Kangaskhan
    It has a quit nature and its ability is Early Bird
    Its moves are Strength, Outrage, Earthquake, and Crunch

    lv 40 Dragonair
    It has a naive nature and its ability is shed skin
    Its moves are extreme speed, thunder wave, aqua tail, and dragon pulse

    lv 46 Alakazam
    It has a naive nature and its ability is Inner focus
    Its moves are Psychic, shadow ball, calm mind, and reflect.
    They are all in the level 50s right now, but I think most of their moves are the same.
    Still have to beat red in that game when I think about it...
    Post by: Gamefreak103, May 11, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Gamefreak103
    I heard this series was good, but I think I'll wait until the anime has ended before I watch it.
    Then again I did the same thing with sword art online and that show ended up being rather bland.
    Hope this show doesn't disappoint when I finally do get to it.
    Post by: Gamefreak103, May 11, 2013 in forum: Anime and Manga
  13. Gamefreak103
    I tend to try and keep a balanced team, when I played soul silver my team was a tad better then what I have now.

    Should have seen my first time playing a pokemon game. Back when I first played pokemon red, I chose Charizard and almost soloed the entire game with it. XD
    Post by: Gamefreak103, May 11, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Gamefreak103
    I basically built this team blind, except for alakazam. Always enjoyed that glass cannon. XD
    I'll probably end up grinding levels to make up for my lackluster team.
    Post by: Gamefreak103, May 11, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Gamefreak103
    You know now that you mention that...
    Ever since I got my ps3, the only time I used my xbox was for when bioshock infinite came out. XD
    Post by: Gamefreak103, May 11, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Gamefreak103
    Only reason why it knows two hm moves is because I accidentally left my hm pokemon in the pc and was too lazy to go back for it. XD
    I was thinking about deleting the move for something else.
    Post by: Gamefreak103, May 11, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Gamefreak103
    During the later half of last year I played Pokemon for the first time in years, the game I returned with was soul silver because I played the heck out of the original and I enjoyed the remake. I'm currently on Platinum and about to go through victory road. Just wanting opinions on how I could improve my pokemon since I know little about gen 4 or beyond.
    Infernape Lv: 51
    Types: Fire/Fighting
    Nature: Brave
    Ability: Blaze
    -Mach Punch
    -Flame Wheel
    -Close Combat

    Alakazam Lv: 50
    Types: Psychic
    Nature: Hasty
    Ability: Synchronize
    -Shadow Ball

    Staraptor Lv: 48
    Types: Normal/Flying
    Nature: Mild
    Ability: Intimidate
    -Aerial Ace
    -Close Combat

    Floatzel Lv: 48
    Types: Water
    Nature: Naughty
    Ability: Swift Swim
    -Aqua Jet

    Luxray Lv: 49
    Types: Electric
    Nature: Hardy
    Ability: Intimidate
    -Tackle (lol)
    Any help would be appreciated.
    Thread by: Gamefreak103, May 11, 2013, 37 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Gamefreak103
    Only thing I was implying on my previous post was that it was still ongoing.
    If you read the manga and caught up with it, you'd have to wait until the next part to come out.
    Didn't know if you would want to do that or not.
    Post by: Gamefreak103, May 7, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Gamefreak103
    Here's a great video explaining on what the big three are.
    Pretty informative if you're interested.
    Post by: Gamefreak103, May 6, 2013 in forum: Anime and Manga
  20. Gamefreak103


    I enjoy his reviews, only problem is how infrequent he is on posting new ones. Dx
    Post by: Gamefreak103, May 6, 2013 in forum: Anime and Manga