Only if it's good music xD
I'm borrowing it and dumping it on my computer. Forget paying $200, so happy he did though.
Sit on me with your fat butt and thighs no doubt >:
It's supposed to represent our GRIMDARK souls.
Eating all those cookies have made you fat and lazy >:
My thread was on the front page when I made it >:
I b'awwwd so hard at the end. So sad ;_;
It seems I have won this round once again.
Are you implying that I'm implying that you're implying something?
You implying something?
I know too.
I made that avatar.
Not bad. I rather enjoyed the song, and better than the original since it was funnier.
Is it just me or was I the only one who thought House looked like Dr.Cox for a moment and thought I was watching Scrubs?
How long did it actually take you to write your part of the rap Cam?
I'm off for an hour to mourn.
I made a thread with one of their songs in the spamzone :3
It's actually from a song from this pirate metal band Alestorm I found :3 but it does strike a resemblance to BO's Ocean song. hmmm, I wonder why.
oh yea, time for internet fist fighting. inb4 lock
Who would have thought it existed.