Just remember that you will most likely either die or turn into a pig and then be killed and turned into delicious bacon that I will eat. Have a nice day.
Who's that?
I held my pointer over my rep to see my title since I haven't done it in a while. For a moment I thought it said "no-reality_allowed is destined for balls".
Avril Lavigne- Girlfriend :3 I can't be the only one who turned the volume up and sang along whenever it came on while playing Burnout Paradise. Of course, there was nobody in my house when I did this :> oh yea, and some Matt & Kim would be very nice but doubtful to come.
You'd think a helicopter would scare the shit out of them and make them believe it's a god or something.
If they start putting up ps2 games on the psn they better add some hard to find games like Ico and Godhand. I have yet to find those games and want to play them badly.
You mean the zombie mode? Yea, you have to beat the game to unlock that.
Fuck Jube, this is Cin's day.
Makes me feel better that I can spell the word Fuck better than him.
I just came so hard right now. Damn, I need more money for all these games.
I can't wait to see what's the story on Strangelove. Simple character design and yet it interests me the most. Oh yea, and how awesome that Steven Hawking is in this game :D
Kinda like this thread right? If you think the staff should implement blogs for our profiles then request it in Suggestions.
What's killing my family? The traffic that's coming? If so then tossing the baby into the traffic will hardly stop the vehicle and kill them all. Either way, I'm tossing the baby because I still have a few years to mooch off my parents and that's a little hard if they're dead. Wait no, I won't toss the baby because if I do I'll be arrested for murder and end up in jail. Saving my family isn't worth prison for life.
Aerith dies at the end. oh wait, wrong game.
I know that no matter how sad I am, Pure Sorrow is the essence of pure sorrow and that cheers me up knowing I'll always be happier than him.
How did I totally forget about their new album? I've been off my music game lately. I'm loving the new single, especially since it has a feeling like their first album. I liked One X don't get me wrong, but it was such a downer since each song was so damn depressing it just annoyed me. Oh yea, and the album cover is pure sex.
You fuck yourself with a carrot. Trust me, I'm a doctor.
How is that even possible?
oh no D :