*poke* *runs away into a a tree* Ow
My parents dont care. My brother from college always looks at what I am doing X_X
My brother put in the microwave for 3 mins >_> But I have Wendys. So he threw a hissy-fit. (he is 18)
Over cooked hotdogs smell so bad. *puke*
Nobody puts Element in a corner. They may take away our Element, but they'll never take our freedom! You can't handle the Element! A Element. Shaken, not stirred. May the Element be with you. Well, an Element's an Element, but they call it 'le Element'. You've got Element on you.
*hits Darksmile over the head with a brick* Now you'll remember.
Apparently you haven't read the rules NO ADVERTISEING ALLOWED
Oh nose!! ;-;
Why is the rum always gone?
a Pirate! ^____________^
Cookie as a mp3 player Cookie as a house Cookie as a cookie *gasp* Cookie as a water balloon Cookie as a Cellular Device Cookie as a dictionary :guiltygearXpc37: >_>
Uhhhhhhhhhhhh....I dunno? -edit- whoa we all posted at the same time
-Banned for being a human-
Sora would steal his lightsaber... >_<
Play: Bloons Player Pack 1 (google it!)
*eats the coin* *burp*
:offtopic: Naughy Points...sounds a little childish.
Banned because I said so.
http://missmoomoo900.deviantart.com/ >_>
Banned for being banned