O_O STALKER! lul Elementlikessugar
Ello thar!
Touche my friend.
Yo. Money is over rated. I am gonna stick to buttons >_>
Roxas = the next Michael Jackson Child Rapeist Man
For a girl: Willow <3 *get name ill-I mean legally changed....
Never fear...I am alive.
1)Rise Against 2) Paramore 3) My Chemical Romance 4) Fall out boy 5) Flyleaf 6)Saosin 7) Panic! 8) N*SYNC (JK! it Misty's favorite bandXDD) Real 8: Cute is what we aim for 9) Blink182 10) The Ataris
Misty: So slap you dad across the face Uhh... Dad: Like to scream at stupid things, contely is cleaning Uhh there is loads more Mom: Uhh... I dunno... I wuv my mommy
We have Chocolate, elephants and cookies
My brother was on the way to college, he fell asleep and crashed into a guard rail and tolated the car and now I am at my aunts. And he is in Albany and I am nowarenear there,
T I M E ~
Reading Death Note 5 :3
1 min, than I got pillows thrown at me
*ish offended* Why wasn't moi in the song? >_> Jk Jk I don't think Alice should be in there though, she isn't a veteran and she is banned.IMO
Watch the news once and a while.
Danmmit our phone line is down... and there was a tornado warning.