Quack-Quack-The-Amazing-flying- cow
Sorry that I bailed. My dad kicked me off.
Frequent Deja-vu. >_< And the spirit of the dog that died under my window. (It wasn't my dog)
Starbucks I love the vanilla bean.
Nope ^_^ (need more words......lol)
The black and white is awsome.
Real men type in hot pink >_>
Its inhumane and you the FU*K eats horse?
lul... I dont gotz any BLEACH stuff...
Your afraid of Heather puppy who is so small the YOU COULD PUT HIM YOU IN YOU POCKET!
Lul His name is reggie... And he is blind V_V
I dont know... My little cousin put the forehead protector on him
fear my ninja doggie!
Gah! *dies* http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jB89-9X6YS0&mode=related&search= lul
Join the club. We have t-shirts.
lul Link is a chick...I think Anyway I love this.
Bannned for eating orphans
Lol. Prove what this world has come too. We were in Toy R Us once and this guy run out of the video game zone with a huge cube looking thing under his shirt and: Worker: SIR DO NOT STEAL THAT! Guy: I STEAL NOTHING! I NO STEAL Guy: *runs outside: *worker runs after* More worker run after* *guy get taken down by 3 toys r us workers* The funny part is he stole the EMPTY video game cases
OYE! 'Ow ish everyone?