Happy birthday...sl- I mean Mish.
Chief: "You know what you remind me off, Matsuda?" Matsuda: "What's that sir?" Chief: "You remind me of myself, back when I joined the force...but without any balls" Matsuda: "N-no balls, chief?" Chief: "No balls" Matsuda: "I see..." Chief: "I'm glad we had this talk, Matsuda."
O R A N G E is asian? That's unexpected -_-'
"I Slept With Someone In Fall Out Boy And All I Got Was This Stupid Song Written About Me" by Fall Out Boy yeah...
Blurryness makes me dizzy, but you can't blame the camera nice pic tho.
This is hard.... I got nothing...all I can say is the best of luck to him. EDIT: Why not advice him to send her a letter? or email? or something
and you noticed this when?
Zomg, bump'd in your pants
I'm also in support of pirates.
Mickey is of course, very strong. As you may remember, Mickey has been there even since Sora has been chosen (referring to Birth By Sleep) which gives a valid opinion that Mickey is very well experienced with the Keyblade. Now let's talk about KH2 scenes, as you can see, Mickey is really agile and strong, as seen in the Twilight Town cutscene where he rescues Sora, Donald, and Goofy from attacking nobodies. (Just a speculation: It seems that nobodies are intimidated and defenseless against Mickey as it seems they space out, like what happened in Twilight Town). Now during the scene that happened in the World That Never Was, same thing but yet so different. This time, these nobodies are tough, and alas, Mickey can defeat them no contest. Oh and one more thing, he wouldn't be king if he wasn't strong, agile and wise, so I guess that's a supporting fact that can help.
The Polls Are Over 9000!!!
Stay or I will forcely do something you least expect.
I agree The Patriots could've won though, if they would've tackled the guy who caught the ball. But still, it was an amazing game. It really made me tense. Oh, and I lost my bet -_-'
Macaroni n' Cheese
this thread is phailing, and yet it keeps going.
you're the one who told me, remember, xD
Orange stalks you forreal.
We're gonna celebrate! ONE MORE TIME! *Aerodynamic*
Teh cat is ebil! it will eat joo!