Spring break... hopefully a miracle would happen and I could get out of the house by that time(overprotective parents, who apparently can see at the back of their heads).
One & Only - Timbaland
OMG, I'll be in it! [insert most used emoticon on MSN here xD]
Jumping onto White Base - Kajetokun don't ask, just watch http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8e8zUqP8yu4 We're jumping onto White Base! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh!
1337 h4x0r, lawl! [insert slumped face here]
Avatar Bleach Death Note Chobits (a bit) Naruto (also a bit) Eureka 7 Slam Dunk Flame of Recca Yu Yu Hakusho Love Hina Love Hina Again Dragon Ball Dragon Ball Z Yu Gi Oh! (but that was back when I was in 4th grade) Fushigi Yugi Lupin the Third Pokemon Ranma 1/2 Gensomaden Saiyuki Detective Conan There's still tons more, but i forgot some of the titles
^ fix'd
6 day bump, omg, sorry but due to studying, I never got to post the sig, I redid...again Cnc....again, xD
omg, lawl, awesomeness
Liek, yeah?
in your own word, what is Nra? What does cookies stand for?
That was uncalled for...and I seriously wanted to know what cookie stands for.
Scoreboard Nra: 3 Hb: 3
Florida is walking on sunshine....
You guys wanna know what I suggest... I go for.... Sara, xD jk, let's go with NRA this time but if it's me, I'll reconsider, xD
149,905 People pity...
Snow's like a winter wonderland rollercoaster that has tons of loops that make you sick LIKE FREAKIN BAD! but anyways, snow is still fun, xD
Snow makes you wet...a lot... Like one time, I tried going out with only one layer of clothes, and rolled all over the snow and lay down there for like, 10 minutes...I WAS FREAKING WET unfortunately, I got a bad cold from it, so yeah.