This Fanclub Should Be Like...stickied!
and I scare myself, now you know that too, xD
I know, but the staff...THEY'RE WATCHING RIGHT NOW! OMG!
BABYBROTHER WILL ALWAYS BE! xD *"CTR the Savior" Death Note special editon* I'm running out of ideas, xD
Omg, the staff are always much for my diabolical plan...DUN DUN DUN!
^ Lol, ate makes me feel embarrassed now...well not really, xD *"CTR wants you!" buttons*
We must be liek, twinz! OMG, lol!!!!!!11!one!!1
THE HECK!? I'm not in this fanclub!? I should totally be in! I'm liek, SORAX! hear me rawr!
hav u herd abot globl warmin?
"your mom" is what i use often.
No, I'm referring to when before he died, and how he ever got connected to the Scub Coral, which reference in the last episodes, had connected himself with the Scub Coral...but how did he manage to attain that? As for your series idea for Anemone and Dominic, I'm just gonna go with one thing... minisodes.
Well, it's sad to see you leave, but hey, we gotta have a life at least, xD We hope to see you again, eventually when you can.
I'm just gonna go with you really into the series, and then it ends, causing you to emotional outburst of tears. Just saying. But anyways, seriously, I'm just gonna say this, Eureka Seven is more applicable to life than Yugioh. Rather than just playing cards all day, Eureka Seven teaches daily life problems, as well as achieving your true aspirations. something like that.
I thought it was 25.
But yes and no is not an answer to my question.
I knew Kingdom Hearts at about late 2005 but never got it until the early 2006...and after that, I've been a fan of the series. It was funny, because i got the second one first, and I was okay..."what happened?" But then I started to understand more of the plot and then I've become more of a fan than ever.
shooping da whoop is
By how big? EDIT: oh...nevermind
My name backwards is... FTW