Drake walked around the black city of Twtnw towards a large castle he called out "someone help me!"
occ Takarnax but still like avoiding keyblades because or else we would have the problem with every single person that joined and you cannot aquire a keyblade after you become a nobody you have to be born with one or get your heart back and still no garatee he could wield it
occ sorry there is a way to get your heart back my first charater did it but now he is evil bic: Drake wandered around the Twtnw he had just been made a different him had just been turned into a heartless then he found himself here "what is going on?" he said
occ and please riku rep i hope you don't go chasing after kh charaters and mess with it and remember by now it is almost 3 years after kh2 and don't like messing up that story line with ours and we have a keyblade wielder in the org talk to her when she gets back Weapon Ice trident
occ need a weapon idea i am thinking of a spear but anyone got other ideas oh and rikureplica please you occ's
occ i like it drake can be my real name and Kardex is my nobody name Name Kardex Element:Ice Weapon: Still thinking apearance:light blue hair and has ice sickle shapped hair over one eye and the other eye blue like frost
occ nothing yet Xajita but i need help thinking of a new name for a charater Auronix was killed
occ ahhh not sure never played the game...... but did a google search and it is going to be fine and a good choice with light
occ good but would strongly encourage a different weapon besides a keyblade I can help you think of a good one for light it you want
occ sure you can I am making up a new charater to so we can start together name: title: apearance: element: weapon: nobody type personality
occ well since one is dead maybe i will make another charater later
occ there is also the fact that one of my charaters is dead and the other cannot enter the world of nothing so not much i can do anyways
occ sorry but i am kinda out of it right now i will just finish up the next report it should be done soon
Kinara shot a kind of darkness cannon from his fist a wall of dark energy shot out at him but Kinara knew X would survive it just be wounded "you will not touch him again"
Kinara nodded "yes my presence flows through all creatures of darkness even nothings like yourself" Kinara then summoned a dark Keyblade that was very large and looked a little like a dark ultima but it had darker colors and the tip of teh key had three dark blue spikes like the tip of his old sickle and the keychain had a the same symbol as he worn on his cloak "Then you will help me and i will tie you to the darkness not unlike that pretender did but this time it is for real" he knighted Myrejex with his keyblade
occ in the old castle world that fell into darkness but you can't get to there you are not ment to fall into the real darkness Kinara walked up to Myrejex "you have aided me in disposing of that filth i am disgusted he took my name. But you swore allegence under him thinking it was me and i must admit i may need your help." Kinara paused to think a moment "I cannot enter your world of the nobodies I am darkness not nothing so i cannot enter that plane but you can will you help me for real this time?"
The shadow turned around he was wearing a long dark robe with a cross between a heartless and a nobody symbol on his chest and his robe was purple in some places Dark green in some and Dark blue and Red in others but it was mostly dark [that represents all kinds of darkness seen in kingdom hearts from malificent to riku to Xehnort] Under a Dark hood the man had blue skin with Dark long hair and his eyes were Strange and dialated with colors like his robe. He was the real Kinara he walked up to Myrejex
Auronix managed to block most of his attack except for one on his arm when Myrejex sword left it a stream of darkness began to tral into the air and then for the first time Auronix felt something a cold darkness he looked around then a shadow apeared out of the ground and it help Auronix by the neck and his mask was shattered off the shadowy figure then sent darkness into Auronix spreading it over his body and then Auronix desolved away with a surpised look on his face then the shadow began to turn around with auronix dead the hold over Phisoxa Ximlan and Myrejex was gone and they all had there original powers back
occ since X is gone i will have to do a little adjust ments Phisoxa lets say you get away from him Auronix stabed X in the chest with his keyblade and made him fall back unconious while the other Auronix was battling Myrejex
Auronix changed his sheild into a large bulky keyblade and slamed it into Myrejex with one hand and shot a fire ball at him in the other while another Auronix shot lighting at X