Kardex was tired of it he just kept walking intetionaly trying knock into the girl but to his surprise he slid right through "what is going on?" Kardex then walked to his room not caring any more he didn't care about anything occ going to bed
Kardex walked around to the inside of the castle his head buzzing with thoughts how could any of this be real
Kardex walked away from them aparently they didn't want to talk he felt so weird now but it was just sinking in to kardex that he could never go back that was the part that stung in his head
occ phisoxa we were outside lol Kardex stood by nebx and Tynoxahn waiting for them to notice him
Kardex tried not to laugh at her she was being really nice to him but still she seemed to be almost obsessed with Xainkar he almost wanted to meet him "well if its a bad time we can do this later" he said turning away Kardex then walked over to Nebx and Tynoxahn "hi i am new here What are you guys doing?"
Kardex was already begining to notice that Xajita must be missing this person a lot but why from teh sound of it he practically raised the new nobodies like him and turned them into warriors "oh alright where are we going first?"
Kardex looked at Xajita he knew he had touched a delacate subject "sorry" muttered quitely Then he said "so will you give me a tour of the castle" hoping to cheer her up
"oh who is the old trainer you keep mentioning was he your friend or something?" Kardex said trying to think of a way to summon his weapon
Kardex thought for a second what made him angry the old him ways always angry with people that had treat him and others bad he also hated people that thought they were better than him but otherwise he was usually "cool" with things "Maybe you could try to attack me defense less and not hold back that could work right?"
occ nice missing Xainkar effect he basicly did take care of all the new comers til he well did you read the real Kinara post? He is completely evil "My power what do you mean? I can't even fight i don't even have a weapon can you teach me? I need some exersice to stretch out and some training would probably do me good."
Kardex walked into the room and he imediately noticed a temprerature change he looked around the walls were made out of ice and light snow was falling down from no where but despite that the room looked comfrontable and the bed covers was made out of animal furs. He liked the room and changed into his new robes. Kardex walked out to meet Xajita "weird my room is snowing are all the rooms like that?"
occ hey Xajita did you get the pm i sent you bic Kardex looked around and said "size I am about 5'6 assuming my hieght hasn't changed"
"do you have anything i could where my cloths are really almost rags" he said and it was true his shirt and jeans were torn and barely convering his body "so what does your organization do?"
He got up "My name is ...... Kardex" he said it as if he already knew it "strange it is different being some one different than i was my whole life but thank you for helping me i will never forget it but you said only a person with a strong heart becomes a nobody i wonder why I was chosen" Kardex felt stronger for some reason "will your group take me in?"
"hi my name is drake I was a refugee from traverse town" drake got up and he saw a pond near by he went over too look at his reflection "what is going on? My hair my eyes they are different I am sorry but i don't really know what you mean what is a nobody? Did i become a heartless and if i did how am i here?" Said Drake
"I am not sure i barely knew what they were I am- I was a refugey that lived at traverse town i never learned how to fight and the weapong i had slid right through the heartless" Drake said from the ground still hurt "yah some one help me i can barely move"
Drake coughed on the ground and blood came out he felt dizzy what was going on who were these people
occ Ikki i thought you weren't with me and Xajita you were at the castle "I remember being attacked by the heartless it was terrible"
Drake walked towards Xajita and fell over "i am hurt and i don't know what is going on i can't feel"
Drake walked toward a voice he had heard he had steped through an open portal into a different world this world was dark with a moon above him and a sun riseing in the east and setting in the west "Hello" he walked toward a dark figure he saw occ i am really sorry Riku rep and hate to be picky but could you at least chose a spot where you are in the story and use quotation marks or change the color of what your charater is saying