occ kardex and Tynoxahn fought a practice battle again and then X is showing him how to use his powers and Ximlan is angry at X
Kardex looked at teh shattered ice "I... I am sorry" he said
occ this reminds me of iceman from X men Kardex ice started to form into a long ice sickle but then it spun out of control and shattred against the wall beside X
"i will show you" Kardex said he summoned the power he had and snow swirled around his hands "I do not know how to form my power it is just there without shape useless"
"Hey X" Kardex walked up to X and said "I need some help controling my power i don't need you to do anything just instruct me how to use it"
Kardex felt strange when he was fighting he barely knew what he was doing but he had almost instints what to do he was definately stronger but he didn't know how to control his element that much and Tynoxahn did that was all that mattered in a real fight "thanks" he said " I am done fighting right now but i want to know how to control my power maybe X can help me"
he looked above him and backed away and gabbed his spear jumping up himself he attacked Tynoxahn with his spear
Kardex knew he was tiring but he felt better that he could at least fight decently now he knew that during his battle he was not useless but he still did not have control over his power Kardex readied his spear again and attacked Tynoxahn swinging both ends of his spear back and forth
he saw Tynoxahn coming at him and he braced himself for the impact his spear out
pain shot up Kardex back he twisted around his spear grazing Tynoxahn's face then he jumped back he was starting to get the hang of this occ can you try to keep it in one stream of attacks it works out better that way because we both have more control of our charaters
both weapons being magical neither would break and Kardex new that they would stay locked til ones strength was greater than another he knew Tynoxahn was stronger at the moment so he broke the lock and jumped back and then swung around catching the spear's other end into Tynoxahn arm
Kardex summoned his spear in his hand and attacked Tynoxahn with his sear
"yes weapon training" he said now walking up to Tynoxahn "I need to get stronger can you help me?" [yah seriously at the moment Kardex would be about level 10 or so in the game]
"Hey Tynoxahn" Kardex said steping outside "want to spare without your element i just want some weapon training?"
Kardex walked through into the kitchen he made some poptarts and then walked out towards Tynoxahn and said "morning"
Kardex got up and yawned few pieces of snow falling on his head he looked around his room got up and put on his coat and went downstairs to train some more
*gasps* wow
occ no one is on so i think i will be done til they get back "well goodnight i think i will turn in a lot happened today" Kardex yawned and walked back to his bedroom
occ damn it i forgot between the castle being destroyed and then being rebuilt and Xainkar going evil he never trained you lol kardex face feel slightly "Oh.." he said "well sorry for wasting your time i just have some questions about him maybe some on else knows"
Kardex walked in marveling at Tynoxahn's room [its like the one at the old castle right?] and said "hey i know this is kinda a touchy subject for you guys but who was Xainkar, Xajita said he was the old trainer but she didn't want to talk about him."