Kardex walked into the next hall way and recognised even more familar faces instead of a rising sun this room had a moon and a rising sun in one corner and a setting sun in the other and there castle he walked down these rows
As kardex stepped through the door a long line of tombstones speard out before him in the circual room a light shone form the center as he entered and it spread out revealing Weapon on top of every tombstone and a hollowgram of the person there. The room itself had a portrait of the Nobodies together and it had a large castle that was beutifal Xainkars voice came throw a speaker saying this is room of remembrance here are all of the original twilight gaurdians [No. 1] Name: Raxen Element: Space Weapon: Dual Hook Swords Blue tombstone alive [No. 2] Name: Sanjaxia Element: Time Weapon: Laser Scythe Red tombstone dead [No. 3] Name: Xainkar Element: Darkness Weapon: Dark Broad Sword Black tomstone completed in darkness [No. 4] Name: Takarnax Element: Fire Weapon: Two-Sided Keyblade blue tombstone [No. 5] Name: Myrrh Element: Neon Weapon: Neon Blade Grey tombstone unceratian [No. 6] Name: Nebx Element: Plant Life Weapon: Francisca blue tombstone [No. 7] Name: Klixen Element: Shadow Weapon: Two Dark Daggers Red tombstone [No. 8] Name: X Element: Existence Weapon: Several different ones Blue tombstone tinged with black and white [No. 9] Name: Myrejex Element: Metal Weapon: Seven Small Daggers Blue with Dark alive but darkness [No. 10] Name: Xibran Element: Light Weapon: Black and White Orbs red tombstone [No. 11] Name: Rexyggor Element: Lava Weapon: Two Hand Axes Red tombstone [No. 12] Name: Ehxmmil Element: Wind Weapon: Whirlwind Gloves Redtombstone [No. 13] Name: Zanxe Element: Force Weapon: Dark Katana Blue tombstone [No. 14] Name: Xarcmio Element: Rage/Berserk Weapon: Katana Red tombstone [No. 15] Name: Ryku Element: Not Specified Weapon: Final Destiny Keyblade Red tombstone [No.16] Tynoxahn lightnight Two swords blue tombstone Then Kardex was at the end of the hall and there was another door he once more opened it
Kardex was deep in the castle on the 5th basement level he had gotten lost and wandered down here and he came into a door way that had a security scaner by it "huh... wonder what this is for guess there is only one way to find out" he lifted his and to the panel and the screen flashed white then a voice askes "Voice identificion state name and rank" "I am Kardex number XV" a lock sounded from the door and it hissed open fog coming out and Kardex stepped in
Kinara had taken his army and with its power he extingished one world after another into the darkness
Kardex smiled "we follow different paths yours to light and mine to darkness but i will join you one day but first i have to sevre my purpose Goodbye" he faded into the dark portal that led into his bed room and he fell asleep in his ice covered room he was 10 times stronger than he had been when he woke up this morning occ night
Kardex lifted his hood up over his head "Raxen my first mission has been sucsess ful Phisoxa is no longer a hostile oponent and is now on my side" Kardex turned to Phisoxa and the icy apearance that had been around him vanished and he simled at her the outline of his face apearing from beneath the hood he walked up to her knew that when he was with her he was stronger he made a beutifal ice crystal in his hand one that would not melt and gave it too her "this is for you. You can put it on your coat if you want." he then said "your right lets go" and he steped through the portal now with his first friend
Kardex felt strange now next to her he felt kind of empty what had happened Kardex now felt empty almost cold a frosty wind with several flakes of snow drifted through the cordor "So what will you do now? stay here?" Kardex said snapping out of his own thoughts he looked down at his glove it was covered in ice "My promise still goes I will help you when ever you need it "
Kardex had a light to but it was not a bright as Phisoxa and it went out he thought inside his head " Did what I said do that to her and could I have had a heart too" then he thought to himself "no i still am needed here i have to prove myself I have to forfill my purpose" he ran over to phisoxa "Hey are you alright Phisoxa" he said looking slightly worried "what happened to you? You seem different" the music inside Kardex that he felt inside him when he looked at Phisoxa had changed
Kardex thought for a second and nodded "I am going to help any one in the organization to the best of my abilities they saved me they took me in when no one else cares but i will do whatever it takes to stop the poison that has been tearing it apart but still there is something about you its as if you were some one I knew before or someone i knew i was going to meet but either way Phisoxa i will help you whenever you need it isn't that what the TG are friends almost a family"Kardex said this all from what he felt inside him this was the only feeling he had a bond to other nothings and he had to honor it or he would truely be nothing
Kardex looked at Phisoxa "i don't care what you have done i am willing to forgive you we could be friends I mean why would we want to fight? I heard others saying bad things about you but I ..... I get almost a feeling inside me when i look at you and hear music in my head a beutifal song I don't why but i will help you if you need it ... I just know its the right thing to do" Kardex paused wondering wiether she would accept him and be his friend or throw him out and suffer by herself alone
kardex froze when he heard the voice and relaxed a little when he turned around and saw a semi-familar face "Your with the organization right? I am new there. And yes my name is Kardex. Why aren't you with the others? But i forget my manors i am happy to meet you Phisoxa I feel like a know you already" Kardex paused and took a breath runing his fingers through his hair "I am greatful to the orginaztion for saving me and will dedicate my new life to them but i want to become stronger to help them"
Kardex looks up the path to the castle was not there ":( i guess i can't get through" he said then thought "duh i am a nobody with magic powers" he concetrated and after several minutes he had made an ice bridge across the trench triumphantly he said puting his fist in the air":D Yes being a nobody kicks ***" and he walked over it into the castle then he started to walk through the castle halls "looks awful empty i like our castle better" he said "hello any one here"
occ alright then i will find an excuss for Kardex to run into you i have a good one Kardex had been training all day and he could feel his power for the first time he had become a nobody two days ago but now he really felt like part of the TG but now he wondered what else did he need to learn and then it hit him they could all teleport and he couldn't he summoned his strenth and focused on a place he had seen before in a black city alright this should do he opened the portal and was sucked through he didn't know where he was going but he was knocked on the ground in TWTNW and looked up at the castle of nothing
occ i know i saw it's cool hey i forgot where are you know still in Twtnw castle well since we are the only two charaters mind if mine meets you some how
occ i will be there soon but i have 10 pages to catch up on that i am sciming
occ damn i missed a lot since i was gone
Kardex went down to the training room and started working out "I will become stronger" he said occ gota go be back later
Tynoxahn's apearance broke Kardex concentration and the ice crystals shattered and ice flew across the room
occ Xainkar kinda could but that was a result of his power he knew what people were feeling and he could appear anywere silently thats why i liked him The ice crystals grew bigger and more were apearing "I think i am getting better"
Kardex looked at X's hand " My problem isn't that i don't have enough problem just i don't know how to shape and control it" he tried he released several large snow flakes and focused on them making them harden and grow they became bigger and grew into shards of ice floating in the air