Kardex after a pause of think walked through the portal what had happened to Myrejex could it have been that man named xainkar?
Kardex still had his spear ready regardless of what they said he would join in if one of the others was too injured to fight he just nodded at Xornadj A dark spiral rose from Myrejex Kinara had awakened his dark powers again making his metal incredible strong
occ i am still confused about the groups
Kardex didn't really know what was going on but something told him Myrejex was his enemy he summoned his spear waiting to give support if it was needed
Kardex ran towards Xornadj and Tynoxahn "whats going on i can smell darkness around"
occ don't give it away Kardex walks off looking for some one to spair with him
"oh alright Xornadj maybe some other time" Kardex eyes opened wide "sorry but for some reason i don't think a red suit and a bottle of hair dye will fool the heartless..."
occ sorry rikurep i forgot to give you the ending story of the TG i will pm it too you Kardex walked up them "Xornadj hey I am Kardex i never met you before do you want to spare your whip looks powerful and i am always up for a challenge"
well dark keyblade able to open the darkness in peoples hearts able to store the hearts of those taken by the dark keyblade light keyblade able to release hearts from the heartless after they are defeated able to change its form with each new memory of the keyblade master adjusting the atributes of the keyblade[what happens when sora gets a new keychain]
occ hey 4th report done at http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?t=10121 Kardex looked around and started to think about the room he had seen with all the tombstones
alright 4 done I might make another one tonight i will at least start it sorry for the delay"
"yah its so weird Ikki it seems like my power is stronger than it should be after such a short time period but i am as strong as Vexen" to prove his point he summoned a large Ice sickle out of the ground
occ *bangs head off computer chair very hard* did not comit treason he is the hero of this thread and will save your but by the end But i will go with you were following me even though i was still in the castle only half an hour ago so makes little sense "Ikki what are you doing here becareful i sense danger" he adjusts his grip on the spear readying for actoin
occ i think we should wait for thread master and but also for those of you that didn't make sure your template is exactly as it is where he posted it I think he is right to add so many details.
occ remember where we are Ikki I opened a portal to find Xajita would be a bit difficult for you to do the same "Xajita what is going on you look hurt" said Kardex worried he heard something then summoned his spear
Kardex looked up as the darkness of the portal faded "Xajita I have been looking all over for you. What happened?" Kardex said occ phisoxa check your pm
Kardex had no clue where Xajita was he needed a sign or guidence where was she? Looked at the Crytsal Raxen had given him he wondered if it could lead him to Xajita he would have to give it a shot he open a portal and activated the crystal and walked through
Kardex ran to the tree Xajita noramaly hit "she was here" he then started to run "Xajita i am coming for you!"
occ I will do my best to get the spelling right but other than that i am a pretty good rper and dedicated to good forms i can see i will be bond to this one but here is some advice for you who you let in will either break or make your rp so be careful. Name:XanatosAge:25 Gender:male Appearance:Long spiked black hair [almost like Setzer's but black] and black shorts and shirt and wears a jacket like Xehnorts he is tall and very thin with dark black eyes [ they change to light blue or yellow when using his powers] Personality:he is easily angered and violent and rather impulsive Race: is a cross between a human and a heartless but is neither Side: Darkness Group:his own side Build:Mediam [i think thats what you mean] Likes: he likes helping his friends and Killing his enemies Dislikes: People that get in his way and people that give up to quickly. Love interest: none yet but maybe later Weapon(s): Large dark Broad sword Ability: He is fairly strong and very smart and very flexible and good at jumping Special ablities he can turn into shadow and has a wide varitiy of darkness attacks that give him the edge in battle he has two forms The first gives him the charateristics of a heartless and he can even transform into Anti form of himself the second is Dark mode resembling riku's dark form his attacks become faster and more powerful and his powers grow tremendously Strong against:Weak Light and most humans, Darness weaker than him Weak against: Strong light, High level nobodies, Darkness more powerful then him Biography: he was a person that fell into the darkness after his world was taken by the heartless but he managed to keep both his body and heart even though they were changed by the power since then he has been looking for the man that ruined is life Xehnort “The Heart of Darkness”
Kardex started looking through this room he saw people he recongnised now [No. I] Name:Raxen Power:Space Weapon: Dual Hook Swords Position: Leader/Superior Title: The Twisted Vine Tombstone blue [No. II] Completed Name: Xainkar Power: Darkness Weapon: Two Dark Kusari-gama Position: Second in command Title: The Dark Marauder tombstone black [No. III] Name: Takarnax Power: Fire Weapon: Dual-sided Keyblade Position: Battle master Title: The Bloodthirsty Nothing tombstone blue [No. IV] Name: X Power: Existence Weapon: Scythe (Though changes often) Position: Head of investigations Title: The Unknown Weapon Tombstone blue with dark and white shades [No. V] Name: Myrrh Power: Neon Weapon: Neon Blade Position: Undecided Title: The Silly Neon Angel gray fate undecided [No. VI] Name: Myrejex Power: Metal Weapon: Seven Daggers Position: Castle Construction Title: The Steel Sentinel Tombstone Blue with black fallen to darkness [No. VII] Name: Nebx Power: Plant Life Weapon: Fransisca Position: Gardener/Landscaper Title: The Demon of the Plants tombstone blue [No. VIII] Name: Zanxe Power: Force Weapon: Dark Katana Position: Undecided Title: The Force of Fate TOmbstone blue [No. IX] Name: Tynoxahn Power: Lighting Weapon: Kantana, and Spiked Sword Position: Machinist Title: The Storm Knight Tombstone Blue with lighter shad [No. X] Name: Xajita Power: Time Weapon: Longsword/Symbol Cards Position: Undecided Title: The Symbol Holder Purple endangered Kardex stoped to look at Xajita's tombstone it ment she was in danger he would go look for her after he was done with this he started walking faster after that [No. XI] - Missing Name: Rahux Power: Explosions Weapon: Detonation Gauntlets Position: Demolitions Expert Title: The Explosive Demon Grey red dead or missing [No. XII] Name: Phisoxa Power: Sound Weapon: Harp Position: Musician Title: The Harmonious Heroine White completed through light [No. XIII] - Deceased Name: Rhaedx Power: Unknown Weapon: Blaster Pistol Position: Undecided Title: Unknown Red [No. XIV] Name: Ximlan Power: Wind Weapon: Crossbow Position: Undecided Title: The Silent Slayer Blue with black on it fallen to darkness [No. XV] Name: Xornadj Power: Poison Weapon: Extendable Thorn Whip Position: Undecided Title: The Venomous Thorn Blue [No.XVI] dead trator name Auronix power reflection weapon:mirror shield Title: Mirror mage Red with a purple X a dead trator [No.XVII] Ikki power: Light weapon: Burning knives title the lone warrior blue [XVIII] Kardex power Ice weapon: double ended ice spear title [this is the fist time Kardex sees it] The Frozen Paladin Kardex then runs out into the yard and starts looking for Xajita "I will do my best to protect all of them and Xajita is the one who helped me first" he then runs into the woods looking for her