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  1. darkriku
    Auronix watched the Tempo Shruikens coming at him "Time" he called out his mask changing to a different color and his mirror shield to disapeared to be replaced with Xajita's short sword and her time cards he lifted his arm and the Tempo Shruikens were stoped in mid air frozen in time then he at Phisoxa swinging the sword at her at a time altered pase making him go faster than normal
    Post by: darkriku, Apr 17, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. darkriku
    "good" said Auronix simling from behind inside his mask "we are both kind of beginers so it should work out" He summoned his Mirror shield and swung it at phisoxa with one of the cyrstal mirrors shape spikes around the edges
    Post by: darkriku, Apr 17, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. darkriku
    Auronix sighed and dissapeared after phisoxa not with a dark portal but with a wave of air floated around his body distorting his appearance then he was gone and went to find other members of the twilight guardians catching up with Phisoxa he said "can you spare with me or show me your weapon and power"
    Post by: darkriku, Apr 17, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. darkriku
    Auronix appeared next to phisoxa "who was that?" he asked looking at her through the cystal mask he wore his mirror shield in a harness on his back "what happened here? I don't believe we have met i am Auronix the newest member of the twilight guardians"

    Mean while in twilight town Auronix took a bowl from Raxen "thank you" then he looked out at the sunset "it is beutiful"

    occ Yes Auronix can be in two places at once he is cool like that go illusions
    Post by: darkriku, Apr 17, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. darkriku
    occ lol her charaters a girl well it has an earing so maybe she won't notice it and any one read my first Kinara report should make the second soon

    Kinara looked around "Its time i was going" and he dissapeared
    Post by: darkriku, Apr 17, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. darkriku
    "I am a product of the darkness a creature that is neither heartless or nobody but some where inbetween a person who exists in darkness It is not like i am who i once was at all......" [ whoa i was looking at number 10 is that a he or a she either way it is definately awesome]
    Post by: darkriku, Apr 17, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. darkriku
    Kinara takes the bowl and said "if you are going to ask if it would work for you too i doubt it my conditions were practicly unquie because my heartless was still intact and i was able to locate it but the darkness is getting to me now with a heart i can feel its power coursing through my blood"
    Post by: darkriku, Apr 17, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. darkriku
    occ wow this pic is like 40 times more awesome close up thanks so what does any one think about the avatar idea?

    Kinara teleported over to Raxen on top the tower "I have been to the other side"
    Post by: darkriku, Apr 17, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. darkriku
    ok...... I guess that does meet the critieria hey be back in an hour or so at most
    Post by: darkriku, Apr 17, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. darkriku
    occ hey i just got an idea after you could make pics of our charaters and send them in to this thread and he might make avatars of them for us well it might be worth a shot any way then again on the program he is using i doubt he would be able to make our weapons and not sure if he could get the hair but i don't know

    NOTE since no one is posting check out my first Kinara report not much i know but i didn't have much time!

    second note why is no one posting we have all the main people here welll most of them
    Post by: darkriku, Apr 17, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. darkriku
    occ wow hey i just noticed that we have 13 active members that is cool
    Post by: darkriku, Apr 17, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. darkriku
    mushroom one made me laugh
    Post by: darkriku, Apr 17, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  13. darkriku
    Auronix walked walked through the hall ways bored nothing happened in this castle any more
    Post by: darkriku, Apr 17, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. darkriku
    occ nebx it is before we were nobodies so it might make it a little hard to fit you in since i made up my own world bye people back tomarrow [have school again damn got out of it today with a snow day] oh and pm me if you want too be in an new thread i am making about riku and Xehnort
    Post by: darkriku, Apr 16, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. darkriku
    ok I wrote this mainly for the members of the Twilight guardians thread a group of new nobodies that formed an organization so this will probably make no sense to any one else This story is basicly about a man named Kinara and how his research into the hearts of world and people and how it brought the destruction of his world [yes his story is similar to ansem or Xehnort if you perfer so but i didn't really copy it his is different and he did the things Xehnort did for different reasons incase any one feels they have to point this out] and i only wrote it to explain Kinara and "X"'s past. Also i based everything in this story on kingdom hearts philosaphies not real world science. yes i know it isn't much yet but i didn't have much time and there will be more volumes by the end

    Report 1
    "My name is Kinara and I am a scientist in the world of Everan. I am a young man just recently out of a university and married but already i have begun to contribute to our magnificent world. I am well respected and well liked in the community and my scientific work is marveled at by many people across this world: for I have just discovered something amazing this world is not the only one it is only one of millions. Using advanced microscopes I have determined that stars are that other planets exist just like this one. The thought of there being so many worlds makes me feel this world is very small and that I am nothing in comparision with the rest of the world. But i fear this discovery will help none of us for our world is in the middle of a violent civil war where no one seems to be winning just death and destruction. Even though the war burns on my research continues in fact the other day a meteor showing hit the planet showing us a rare metal I have never seen before. What could its purpose possibly be and how could it have come all this way? The metal is like nothing i have ever seen before but I already know it can be applied to space travel I wonder if i built a ship out of it could I too visit other worlds? It apears i am only begining to begin to see how this world works. Soon i will begin studing the core of this world now i have a better grasp on what is happening around me. I will update this journal later."

    Report 2
    "I have excavated an acient ruin one of the olderest in the whole world. Inside i found a large door like nothing i have ever seen before! This door was ajar and i looked through to see a large core it was pulsing like a heart. This must be the Heart of the world. A discovery like this sends shivers of excitement down my spine. Before we thought the core was just magma but now I realise that the world is alive. But on to other things the ship i have made for interplanetary travel is coming along greatly. I have called it "Excalibur"* after a legend in our planet about a magic sword. Magic ..... I wonder in this technologicly advanced world i live in does magic exist outside of this place a childish thought but still one worth investigating when i get to the other world. The war is still very bad and the death toll is increasing one of my friends was majorly injured in the war and I have put his body in a tank and i have been exaiming his heart. This is a once in a lifetime chance normally when some one dies there heart disapears but his heart still lives. The body died after several days so i separated it from the heart it is damaged and it is not the same heart as it used to be but i think i can repair it into a new one. I like the idea a new heart. One last thing as i went back to study the large door i found a strange creature it looked like a large black insect i will write about it when I return from studying my lab obsevations."

    Report 3
    "The black creature i found far from being an insect as i first foolishly thought is one of the most extrodinary living things i have ever seen it is made up of darkness ..... I know it sounds foolish but that is the only way to describe it. The creature has demonstrated ablitities to turn itself into shadow. During my tests i once tried to find out what was in the inside of this strange animal I tried to draw blood from it to my surprisement the knife blade slid right through it yet i could touch it with my hands i wonder if the reason is because only living things can touch it? Or is it some other power? The creature is extremely aggressive and tries to attack me often i have put it in an energy cage that it seems it can't slide out of. Though violent it is extremely intellegent more than any other animal i have seen i can tell. I decided to visit the door way again and i found more of the black creatures and different types of them too, I began to wonder where did they come from? and what are they? I sopose i will find the anwser with more study there certainly seems to be enough test sujects. But i am still reluctant to write about what else i found on my second visit to the door way i still barely believe it myself..... A man in a dark cloak. I found him by the door lurking in the shadows as i aproached he called out to me "You in I are alike .... we both seek anwsers to the truth of the worlds" I looked up at him "Who are you? Why are you here?"i asked "I am the Ansem seeker of darkness I have come to connect this world, bind it to shadow and darkness" said the man I relised then that he must be from a different world I shouted out to him "you can't destroy this world! Hundreds of people live here" the man looked at me from under his hood "There lives do not concern me and you do not tell me what I can and can't do" Ansem then gathered some kind of energy in his fist [I wonder if it is magic] then he shot it out and it hit me in the chest I was brought to my knees the pain was so bad but something awakened within me someone else."

    Report 4

    "The day has arrived that set out for the new world I have readied my ship and i sent out. I was a little worried that the rock system i made would work but it held up fine except for a small part at the launch when the ship started to shake. I must have traveled for two days or so but after a long time I came to a planet. It was strange the outside shell of the planet looked like a huge version of the inside then I realized I was not traveling through space at all but through a pathway from the heart of one world to another. I crash-landed into the world and when I woke up I saw a strange city with dozens of large Neon signs. I looked at one that read "welcome to traverse town". To me it looked like it was sort of a gathering point from every world but I wondered what it was for. In the town i met several people including a mechanic that helped explain what he called a gummy ship and repaired my ship. I thanked him and then I traveled around the city eventually I wondered into a strange section of the town that was surrounded by water. It seemed to be an old house I looked inside and found a man there. But he was no ordinary man he was a wizard. He introduced himself to me and I inquired if he was really a wizard still barely believing such a thing could exist. The wizard, Merlin took out a wand and started to show me his magic. After he told me all of this I was amazed. I then asked him about how the were connected and he began telling me about how each world was tied to the darkness. I discussed with him the man I had seen called Ansem and I was surprised that Merlin knew of him. After I was done talking to him I wondered through the third district. I was suddenly attacked by a massive swarm of the black creatures I could not shake them off… I thought I would die but a strange woman wearing a large dark robe called off the heartless. Then she turned to me and said “And who is this?” she said. I replied, “I am Kinara a scientist from the world of Everan. What are those creatures?” “They are the Heartless people whose hearts have fallen into darkness” The women answered. “You have power hidden deep in your heart, Let me give you just a taste of it” an strange green light orbited around me and I felt what had been awakened by Ansem growing more inside me. I left after a couple of hours In my repaired gummy ship and set the course for home."
    Thread by: darkriku, Apr 16, 2007, 7 replies, in forum: Archives
  16. darkriku
    occ sorry forgot i was in this

    Farrow ran out of a portal towards the group "sorry i was late I was held captive by some heartless but i escaped"
    Post by: darkriku, Apr 16, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. darkriku
    occ good luck phisoxa your basicly the only member on and i am going to write a fan fic called Kinara reports about me and X
    Post by: darkriku, Apr 16, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. darkriku
    occ i have been un computer banned yay

    Kinara left Myrejex and Ximlan in the room giving me the final intrustions "build a gate way in the bottom of the castle that will let the army through easily don't get caught and stay under cover" Kinara then left teleporting back into the shadows
    Post by: darkriku, Apr 16, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. darkriku
    occ still not sopposed to be on the computer so won't be on long but here is what has been going on lately myrrh has been cooking again and a lot of people went to the pride lands and myrejex and Ximlan have sworn allegence to Kimara and the darkness

    NOTE: anyone pm me if you are willing to join another thread i will be making about riku and Xehnort as the main two charaters and other newly made charaters helping them
    Post by: darkriku, Apr 16, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home