Alice and Jasper, sitting in a car...are they naked? Yes, they are. That was immature... Can vampires even DO that?...:blink:
You know what, dear? I lurve you too. :glomp:
Ris disapproves. Gai-sensei probably disapproves. Lee disprove. Roxas probably disapproves too. The vote is 4 to zip. Change her back to a prem, THIS INSTANT! :yelling:
God damn women...which I am one of. :bored: I'm really sorry. We can be *****es, of course. Some of us don't give a ****, I hope stuff gets better for you, though. :(
...Dude, what the hell? I just noticed this. Both of my big toes are crooked! :bored: :bored: For no reason... I'm disfigured. :(
A vote for CtR is a vote for a happier KHV.
Yah. We have a booooooooooooooooooy. ;D
Ris doesn't understand :(
Hm...let me find it... Edit: Found it! :sweatdrop: His head got stuck in.....a tuba.
I have to get you a picture....uh...XD
I feel enlightened.
YOOOSH CtR! Brian's quite proud of his Fairy Godmother. :D
I lol'd. XD
I tried more of a stock sig this time with a tutorial. It was kinda weird, since...I don't think I did it right. As usual, the font kills. I don't feel like uploading any at the moment, which is probably killing me, but... CnC?
It's so sexy...
Kelly Osbourne Jackson. God damn. :(
Ewwwwz. XD
I like to roflbate.
Mission accomplished!