Could it take you any longer to come back? Do that again, and you'll get a spanking.
Meh. *bakes you a special Axel cookie* :3
Woohoo! I'm spared! *gives you all Roxas cookies*
It won't long as you get the book. :D
WHAAAAT?!??! Go to the library. Get the book Twilight. Steph Meyer. Do it, or your life will be incomplete forever.
Your familly is like...Something Edward would approve of. *puts bags on the curb* May I move in?.. Yes......No?.....
CtR, Lee wants another baby. And he wants the godmother to be you...Again. XD Should it be a girl? Do you approve of all this?
I'm being impostered... D:
When Edward sings, yeah. I've never felt so awed when I listen to 'The Music of the Night'. *grabs a fan*
I fail. I fail more than any of you. Quit copycatin'.
I've been listening to the POTO for like, ten hours. I think Edward sings like the Phantom. That's terribly sexy.
I love the two Roxas ones... It just needs more to it. Try looking up tutorials, or just mess around...You'll get it.
The entire cast of HSM. They deserve a painful way out of life.
I agree. I think "global warming" is a bunch of mini Al Gore's bunching together and blaming humans for the "destruction" of Earth. I'm not saying that we're making it better, but I think people are being a little too overreactive, as usual. Others don't think this, but history repeats itself. Meaning, we could easily have another Ice Age, or the earth could erupt into another lava-filled ball, as it did millions of years ago. As you said, the earth is heating itself. We're basically wasting money on these 'Hybrid' cars, that probably won't do a damn thing to help. I think people who think we're causing all of this crap is looking down the wrong alley. =\
In before lock.
What else do you wish to know? I will contact you via PM. :D
Chicken Little, a few minutes ago. I died when they said that Scott Menville was one of the VA's in this movie. I can't find it! >D
Cartoon Network called, they want Scott Menville back.
Bruce Lee, of course. You can't beat the awesome eyebrows and bowlish haircut.
Hump, as the verb? It's something me and Lee do, on the hour. >:3