Jealous. J-E-A-L-O-U-S. Jealous.
Never! I will flame him until suicide is the only answer! >D .....bumped.
I'd like to be the Phantom. All those high notes must have caused some sort of cancer. XD
Heh, I bet that was fun.
Is theeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeere.... Insiiiiiiiiide yer miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiind. =\
Is that the one where he was talking to himself? O_o
Snerking smurfs...
WHERE THE FAWK HAVE YOU BEEN?!?! :yelling: Zac Efron = fail. His fail challenges those of CFF 1-3
In more obvious words: Zac Efron + suicide = happy people around. High School Musical = hardcore Gaara fail. HSM + public television + minds of innocent childrens = MINI HILARY CLINTONS.
Yeah, but none of them fail like Xac Efwhatthe****ever. Except for Vanessa...and that Sharpay lady...the whole **** of them. >_>
Because Zac jackass told them too.
I love you. XDD
Yup. He poisoned TV with his fail. The whole lot of them...
A second Michael Jackson. He stars on porn movies, and inspires little childrens to follow in his footsteps. He's a pedo who needs TO BE STOPPed.
Not a problem, I can ward them off with my Anti-HSM skillz. XDD *starts sending the hate mail*
I touched Lee, if that's what you mean...
AWESOME! Maybe he'll try sucide? I hope so...