I should've known that riku was a stripper,there had to be a reason for his long silver hair.
Ahhhhhhhhhh My Eyes!!!!!!!
I'm 155, yes my race is superior to yours,humans.
Obvious !
Sweet! Hot SarahXxXSora on MadiYasha action.
Boooooooo Hiiiiisssssss Get Em Outta Here They've Got Aids!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Foolish mortal,you can't kill a god.
Heil Haruhi.
My quest is over I have crossed over to the other side.
You raped me : (
This improved version scares me.
Sh!t,I didn't get nominated for anything at all.I mean there are some catergories I should be in.plus I've been on kh-vids longer than some of the nominees and that includes Alice.
@$$kissing FTL EDIT:Why does everyone hate CFF he hasn't done anything.
Trigger, I have my reasons.
I choose robot.
Vote 4 Da Freak! : )
w00t your old username!
Alice FTW!
I second that.