Can't see the picture.
Well looks I've gone old school now. Should I change my usertitle back to what it was?
I was thinking the same thing.
I was just as deceived as you were.I actually trusted her/him,all thos lies plus he was "the rookie"
i'm the bigger @$$hole.
I'm sorry for badgering you about this. My deepests condolences.
Well too late bub ya got our attetion and now we wanna hear it.
Damn this forum is going crazy again.
Xaldin just tell us what da hell is going on!
I think it's something bigger than that.
Ris was originally Roxas is Hot.
I don't like where this is going.
I guess someone hates nolstagia.
I think so.
Whoa calm down atleast I didn't call you a ****** besides there's too much excitement going on around here to start a flame war.
Let's all send Raku flaming PMs,I just did. : D
Whoa is everyone posting the same thread again!?
Sweet!You posted it!