You guys are gonna kill Vivi.
I bet no one has heard of Trocadero and I like them. Gorillaz is a populer band and they're still good.
We don't like stool pigeons capiche.And do ya know what we do to stool pigeon?
Over the River and through the forest all the way to Grandma's house Why isn't there moar Desu~
Whoa Deja Vu
awwww you broke his heart shadowjak.
I thought it only happened to me.I remember this one code that had a small letter or number that I could barely see.
Because you're computer is raping you. Why did the chicken cross the road?
shadowjak wear this
Rember to share nRa.
I'm Da Freak and I'm.......... a gameaholic.
I lol'd hard.
That Kyle is a bad mutha-SHUT YO MOUTH,I'm just talking about Kyle.
Thank you again shadowjak, My parents always taught me with both sympathy and tough love and this brat needs both.It's like Yin&Yang
Or simply put GET A LIFE!
But you complain in a more intellectual way.La Sofa doesn't complain at all.
Thank you for your words of wisdom shadowjak and Zexion of the Twilight