they have toys o kingdom hearts i didnt know that
awsme keep up with the site!! KINGDOM HEARTS ROCK MY SOX lol
hi how do you post pictures?
thatt freaked me out for a minute lol how do you post pictures i have no idea
i play runscape but i now play club penguin but i do miss the goblins and stuff
i wish had my sig with riku,sora,and roxas fighting eachother
NEVER sora, roxas,donald,goofy, attack that guy lol
oh my gosh listein to this video of kingdom hearts its beutiful the song is flowing sweatly in my mind click on this link this one to i litterly almost cried on the second i almost cried its sad
who here plays its a free game for 4-18 ages its cool alot of people get on just lettin ya know
well i found this site and it had news updates and videos and it was just plain blue in the background none of the thngs ontop of the screen with sora i put it on my favorites and i came on one day and it looked like this
woah thats not even in the game you must of made that unless im wrong and it is in the game
im bored can yall like post you awsomes sig or coolest avvy or coolst picture?
make me a sig plz were sora and roxas and riku are fighting each other plz if you can cause i have no idea how to do one and one thing when you give me the sig can you give me a link to a sig place thnx
finally someone posted thank you thnx thnx thnx
can someone make me a awsome sig with roxas and sora in it plz thank you if you do
there atleast i think its there if it is then wham its kingkong lol
thats the point of a stupid story lol and if you read closely they mooned sombody lol
heres my true story of kingdom herts(not true) WARNING this story causes mild violence and things that kids shall not read if they are 12 or yunger thank you once upon a dark time rulers tried to take the hearts away from people but sora had to save all of them and it came to past that sora was the anciant key blade holder he traveld to fight the darkness and his joruney starts here donald!!,goofy, were are ya we go to head to the moutains donald!!! what is that my hot ride donald says oh my gosh sora said. they grabed there weapons and rode but the ride broke down muh ha ha ha lol. so they walked and walked and walked and walked until they fought a guy donald goofy and sora mooned him and the nobody fainted and they traveld on. they found a mansion they blew it up for fun (note it was abbandoned they did nothin iligal) so they travel and traveld and traveld and they defeated darkness and went home in 1 sec but it took them 2 weeks to efeat darkness and get there thats just funny lol!! hope ya liked my dumb story yay!!!1
number 1 id go with 2 its funny second of all can i have one third of all everytime i make a thread no one postes on it i think no one sees it oh yeah you do know that axel is i think hes evil or twylight
who were here when they just had a plain site no forums just videos and newsupdates i was