hurry and post a picture of ya and i mean hurry and if i dont see it email it to me on here since i got your name right k?
*walks in dressed as sora and grabs karias hand and and say seat me and my girl to a tabel*
um i got one why did the coach go to the bank? *anser* to get is quarter back lol
look at my
i won though i cant belive i did that
ill save the picture and post it lol
i was thinking of names in my class room and i thought your name was nick but i guess its chase um you have to post a pic of you now plz i cant wait till then so get your camra out lol
no i recruited uhh huh beat that i may recruit more
YAY I GOT IT RIGHT your name is chase now post a pic of yourself plz
is your name dylan becuase my name is dylan lol
is your name chase
someone post on the one that says umm someone plz help me i really need help!!
is your name nick?
is your name lane
my army of coolness.
let me see um... dylan,justin,karia,sora,roxas,lane,chase,nick,
i had a dream were i was walking like a happy normal day and all of a sudden i feal into a big giant hole and then i woke up in a panic im sure everyone has had this dream and i had a dream were i was in my yard and my brther says rn and all of a sudden i feel in side of the underground house with a deer and then i would climb out and so on and so on....
he would never say*lets team up with sora* then the darkside would kill him lol
i need help 1 thing is how do i post pcts. second thing is how do i put a sig down were you can type stuff plz tell me and youll get a stack of steaks this big /
witch one an avatar picture or a cloud(from final fantasy or kingdom hearts) picture witch one.