Mic and cam? Sounds delightful. I'd be happy enough with your voice alone. And with 5 dollars I could've gotten some candy, an old video game,...
Im so bored being home alone allll day. Come already D: Oh, and I didnt win the lotto lulz. I was one number away from getting 5 bucks though o:
Sorry, you'll have to come to my place if you want one~
How delicious.
*hugs* Its okay, no one died in the making of the show. Except for children.
We all gotta live a little <3 *huggles*
Sounds like more time to be with me then 8D
Then stay home. I need you more than school anyways.
Maybe O:
You're a loser o:
Dont tell anyone though <3 Mah friend is gullible so I can tell her anythings <:
I know what you mean. I had to **** this girl after school the other day~
Maybe you need another person?~
You mean before you drowned your negative thoughts in perverted acts?
I liek this place 8D
Glad to see your power has returned~
Run bish, get some help D:
Swish to you too :3
Gate card open 8D