This pickle of mine glows with an awesome power. Its burning tastes tells me to bite victory. Take this! My love, my anger, and all my flavor! Erupting.....Squishy.....PICKLE!
Kay is always slow though o:
I can tell ;D
I agree. At the moment, SD cards suck as a storage media. But if they loosen up on all the restrictions then they wouldnt have to worry so much about pleasing the people crying out for a hard drive.
Now thats a better idea. I wonder if the Death Pickle would have a spreading effect, causing the current galleons of relish to become a mass of sweet death. I suppose the opposite effect of being thinned out and only causing a non-lethal effect could also apply. Man, good thing the show doesnt have a Death Pickle, it would be so confusing.
Well if I use one Death Pickle and make many slices from it, then distribute them to various fastfood places, the random kills could throw people off from the Death Note kills. Now if only I had Death oxygen....
lol, I wish I had a Death Pickle. Whoever eats it dies from choking. It would make things much easier~
*takes a baby.......and EATS IT!*
Omg, I killed all those poor ants the other day D: Am I gonna become a monster like Kira? ;o;
Well because of the controller, alot of games are gonna have pointless motion controlling in it. Its up to the devs to not make it cumbersome. Luckily the motion plus will help take out some of the frustration for the games. And despite the games being more family friendly, alot of them are still good. People just see a casual game and start complaining without having ever played it. I know alot of hardcore gamers that end up playing the wii alot because the party games are fun to play. They're working on a new pikmin, mario, and zelda, so hopefully they'll up the quality of those games and make something more memorable. Overall, dont expect something too mind-blowing this generation from nintendo, just enjoy your Brawl, Madworld, and whatever future games are coming out, and hope that the copious amount of money gained will be used for an awesome system next gen.
Yeah. You can just stick your stuff on there and easily switch cards if you ever need a certain game. But people complain about switching them all the time and want just one big harddrive to stick stuff in. Although I think that could be a useless thing to want because nintendo might just charge you much more for a harddrive then its actually worth. Plus I'd rather not have a bulky attachment plugging into the wii. I have enough things in the usb ports as it is~
You like everything O:
Lucky D: The only one here is faaaar.
I got a reeses sundae from baskin robins o3o
LIIIEESSS *rages against you and smacks you across the face*
xD. Must've been cause I looked in it
Mirror mirror on the wall~
Oh snap, hot bish o:
Hi thar lady~