Why did they go back to the card battle thing!? They should've realized it failed, and just abondon it altogether. It was a huge mistake, and people should not be punished, with this too different battle system and go back to button bashing mindlessly.
Hey, just wondering if my current level is alright, or should I stay in Land of the Dragons an mindlessly level up? My level is 14, Land of the dragons is my very first world besides Hallow Bastion and Twilite town...so, do I have the green light to continue on? Or should I stay and level up some more?
Not to mention one of the greatest moment of all time in One Piece. Where Crocodile stabs Luffy. But, oh no, they had to put in the fakest image every, with some guy that is obviously not Luffy, but someone from Naruto, hanging upside down. Wow, 4Kids makes me wanna stab my eyes.
Now, this anime is obviously superior to the others. The sub of course, I recommend to everyone to stay away from the Dub, as far as possible. No. Just no. There's a surprise in the latest chapter, just saying.
Thanks to you guys, I've been able to make some well received music videos. I've only started making them recently. I hope you will like them too. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Za8aGx5SQ9Q http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5-9ps7lE0fU http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=caZsJsq6DIE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BLY6pQMgjlY If you want my opinion, I suggest you watch the second last one first, it's my favourite one, and was really fun to make. I'm probably going to make another one like that, so you never know.
Thank you all. Wow, all your signatures are so shiny! I feel left out! :(
Hello there, fellow Kingdom hearts admirers. I am the Samurai. I'm not some Samurai Tom Cruise lover boy though, I just like the name Samurai. :) I've been a long time secret admirer of Kingom hearts videos, and have been using their videos for quite some time. Primarily for AMV's. And don't worry, I took credit for you outstanding people every single time. I just received my order for Kingdom hearts 2 the other day, so while I was in the Kingdom hearts mood, which I wasn't for awhile, I thought I would join. Although, I don't think I'm doing very good. I just finished the first part of the land of dragons, and I'm only level 14. I hope you can forgive this overly-long introduction, but you see I'm always a bit excited joining new forums, and I tend to babble on a bit. So, anyway...hi!