I didn't like the latest song "passion". It wasn't as good as simple and clean. Although, that's just my opinion. I hope Utada makes a better one for Kingdom hearts 3.
Auron is really cool. Just great.
GOING UNDER BY EVANESCENCE Now I will tell you what I've done for you 50 thousand tears I've cried Screaming deceiving and bleeding for you And you still won't hear me Don't want your hand this time I'll save myself Maybe I'll wake up for once Not tormented daily defeated by you Just when I thought I'd reached the bottom I'm dying again I'm going under Drowning in you I'm falling forever I've got to break through I'm going under Blurring and stirring the truth and the lies So I don't know what's real and what's not Always confusing the thoughts in my head So I can't trust myself anymore I'm dying again I'm going under Drowning in you I'm falling forever I've got to break through So go on and scream Scream at me I'm so far away I won't be broken again I've got to breathe - I can't keep going under
A keyblade is handed to a person, based on their properities. For example, Sora got the first keyblade, because he lived in light. Riku was gonna get it, but he then chose darkness. Mickey only FOUND his Keyblade. In the realm of darkness. This explains why Mickey never locked the worlds as he travelled during kingdom hearts 1. Riku got the dark keyblade because he had reached full darkness when Ansem took over him. Now, about Kairi. There's 1 probable reason why she has one. Friendship. Love. These two created a keyblade that had the friendship and love for Kairi, Sora AND Riku. So, either one of these could wield the keyblade. That's why Riku could hold it, and give it to Kairi. They shared the same love and friendship.
I'd say the Hawk. It has superior vision, can see anywhere within miles. It can swoop and kill something almost instantly. Hawk, yes!
Playstation 2, if possible. There's no better previous-gen system.
Squall He looks cool, and I respect his hair. The perfect warrior. And a gun, that's also a blade! What shall we call it? The bladegun! No, even better. THA' GUNBLADE!
I think I'll watch Blueno V Luffy for the 15th time. That is a positive contestant for my favourite battle in anime history. ==P.S.== Darkandriod, check yo' PM's...
Hey, can anyone suggest me a cool game? My birthday present didn't work (nintendo wi-fi my ***), so I have a free ticket for a game. Got any suggestions? (no pre-ordering, I wanna play something now!)
Huh? What are you talking about Roxasvsriku? Were you watching the same AMV? His timing was perfect. One of the best I've seen. Do more!
Yyyyyes, I know it. It's because they're both crafted from the same type of darkness. Because, you know, Riku and Ansem have the same darkness inside them. It's all political.
Oh, that's good to know. I'll try stop leveling all the time. Although, I might want to take it into account. because I wish to defeat Sephiroth.
The Lion King. Greatest.Movie.Ever
Well, that's just not true, if you think about it.... That one time in Kingdom hearts, was the VERY first time we see Cloud in 3-D since that last scene in Final fantasy 7. The guys in Kingdom hearts didn't what to design him as, so they used Vincent's.
No, Goofy wasn't going to die. That would be in danger of losing Disney AND square enix fans. Goofy has been a great character for children for centuries. And if Square-enix were to just KILL him, then that would just be satan. Things like this happen all the time in Disney movies and a few times in Final fantasy. The only example I have for people dying, are Aerith and Bambi's mom. But usually, it's just the guy getting shot, and then coming back some time later. Another example you say? Leon getting seriously injured in FF8, then coming back. Case rested.
As you may well know, there are a number of similarities between kingdom hearts and final fantasy. The most obvious one being the characters (duh!). But sometimes, they go deeper than that. 1. When Roxas (in deep dive) is fighting the heartless, he jumpes and starts attacking, first a heartless in front of him, and a heartless behind him. In advent children, Cloud uses the exact same move on Loz and Yazoo in their "secret" base 2. Before Sora falls asleep in Chain of Memories, he sees Kairi and Riku. These two are standing in the exact same stance, and positions, as Zack and Aerieth in Advent children. These are all I know so far, but feel free to share your own discoveries.
Wow, you surely showed it to that power seeking, long haired fairy woman! The FP mode, let me see a good look at Sephiroth's scared little heiny! ^_^. What level were you in your first match?
My birthday was the 4th of this month. Just turned 15. Naturally, I stayed home, ordered chinese food, waited eagerlly for my KH2 copy to arrive, which it did....yesterday. And all the while, watching Advent children! Go me!
As the guy before me said, this belongs in creativity corner. But, nonetheless the first one was one of the greatest AMV's I have ever seen. Period. I wish to become as good as you one day, my master!
KH2, for the following reasons. It isn't childish. It has sexually great graphics.