LOOOOL xD Marluxia is swinging is scythe randomly at Axel!! xD That's what I would do If Axel throwed fire at me! xDD SQUID!! Ewwww xDD I Loved it!!! Please PM me again when chapter 4 is up ok? :) I can't wait to read the next part!!
LOOOOL xDDDD XETHEROTH!!! xDDDDDDDD Thanks for liking it!!! :) Hehehe...xDD Did you like it? :D
Thank you!! You know I love the sims!! :)
The hair was edited by me...I used Larxene hair but I recoloured it and I made some modifications to look like Anniexo...:) Oh...I'm sorry about that! I'll edit it right now! Thanks for liking it! :) Thanks for liking it!!! :) Thank you for liking it Gharanth!! Oh!! And thanks for the encouragement!! :) LOOOl xDD It really looks like she's dancing...xDD Thanks for liking it Anniexo!! :)
This is Xethereh, Gharanth's nobody simified!!
That's right! This is Anniexo sim!! She requested me to make a sim of her OC and here it is!! Oh! Gharanth encouraged me to post my sim works here! Thanks Gharanth! :) Note: Outfit downloaded from modthesims2 Hope you like! :)
*looks* Ohhhhhhh....flying badger is falling...OVER ME!!! xDDD
xDDD Now for the weather...I'm not a really good metorologist but we are waiting for rays of sunshine...NO CLOUDS!! *looks at the sky* "OMG!!! IT'S A FLYING BADGER!!!"
Yes we have!! B...But its too bad...*cries* Ok...About the weather...*pokes C-S xD* Can I say the weather please? xD
*pokes C-S arm* I...I think he already answered...C-S xDDDD
"You're not gonna die Riku!! Look! The Ambulance is coming! Now calm down Riku! Pweeze?"
Whoohoo! Ditto!! xDDD I think I'm suffering from that disease...what is it called? Oh yeah boredness...xD Database errors...I haven't got anyone today...but yesterday...Jesus!! They just kept on coming!!!
*slaps forehead* Stupid me!!! So...you're new here? I just want you to know that if you need any help around here you can count on me too! ;)
Hummm...let's see...I have one that's egg shaped, another one that looks like a dog paw, a little birdie, a red one that looks like an ET head, a pink one that looks like an egg too, and I think I have no more...xD Note: All the tamagotchis mensioned above have stoped working...xDDDD
LOOL xD Hi The CHOSEN one!! How ya doin'? (You're fine...you already told us...xDDD)
That worries me a bit...I think you should really go to a doctor... One question do you cough many times?
LOOL monseuir? xDDD I'm fine thanks...a bit bored...my windows movie maker freezes everytime I put music in a vid... How're you? :)
I'm back!!! Hi there my familly!! :)
*runs at Riku still with the scissors in his hands* "You woke up!! You said you dreamt a spider had bitten you? *thinks* "I don't think that was a dream...You really got bitten by a spider, and then your face was all pale, and then you fainted, and then...and then..."*thinks, thinks*