Ahem...may I? SCHOOL SUCKS!!!! PINK AGAIN!! xDD Oh...man...I gotta study for my exams...one more time...SCHOOL SUCKS!!!!
OMG!! Another coincidence!!! xDDDDD
WE WILL, WE WILL ROCK YOU!!! OMG!! Another song!! xD
*Marluxia's face: O_O'* "S...Saïx had gone crazy...I told him to stop hitting his head on the wall! Now he...he...he's immitating a baby by sucking on his thumb!" (OOC: LOOOL xD Poor Saïx!!)
XDDDDDD I was going to type that!! xDDDD coincidence!! xDDD I remember that song!! :D
He really is creepy...OMG!! iT'S THE FACE!! THE FACE!!! IT'S KILLING ME!!! xDD
About the old man...You're right CtR...He's scary...and he's looking at me now... XS xD
(OOC: k, k! See ya later then! :))
Ouch...that's bad...it happens to me a lot of times but...not because there's not enough room...but because my computer and internet are STUPID!!! oh! Pink... xD
*Runs to Larxene* "They' re ignoring us..." *thinks* "Ok I'm going to shout!! RIKU GOT BITTEN BY A SPIDER!!!!!! HEARD ME NOW? PWEEZE HELP!!!!" *The adults jumped but turned their backs on him* "Its no use..."
YAY For Soras!! xDD YAAAAAAAAAAY!!! xD They look inocent! :3
"I..I think I'm ok...or not...." *scracthes head with paw* "oh well to the kitchen then! I haven't ate anything since I turned into a fox...Anyone else want's to go eat? FOOD, not members ok? (OOC: xD)
Hi CtR! Hi Roxllen!! :) Man...My internet is so slow today...its annoying....
Good Morning my familly!! What's up? :D
"NO!!" *runs to the ambulance asking for help* "Pweeze help!! A little boy was bitten by a poisonous spider!! He right there!! *points to Riku*
OBLIVION!!! That's the keyblade I would choose!! :D
One more time...SCHOOL IS BORING!!!! xDDD I am already on my summer vacations...but...there are the exams...seeing the things like this...I'm not really on my summer vacations...xDD TWO MORE DAYS AND YOU'RE FREE!!! xD
Hi!!! And welcome to kh-vids.net!!! :D Don't forget to follow the rules! If you need any help, just talk to us and don't worry, we understand you! :)
What's left of me in your pants. O_O' xDDD
You're welcome!! Woot!!!:D *waits*:) .......................................<.<...............>.>...........Time passes reaaaaaaaally slow.....xDDD