(everyone) Poison Ivy: Hi there guys!! What's up? :D
OH!! Your bro is a meanie...xD
*Walks over to Riku* "Don't cry ok? You are gonna be fine!" *smiles at him*
Hurray for clouds!!! xD
Hi My family!! How're ya doin'? .....Cloudy day on my country....:(
Can I try? :) If I can, here it is: Sora: Please help the homeless. Take me home with you Riku...pweeze? Riku: What the...Sora you're not homeless!....And I'm not taking you home with me...
I think the strongest organisation members, for me, are Saïx and Xemnas...That's what I think...:p
SCHOOL SUCKS!!!! xDDD OMG!!! Already this far? 14207
Cool!! I like it!! And I love spider-man! :)
"I'll help you, guys." *looks at Saïx* "Oh! And Saïx...Sorry about that...heheheh..."
Awwwww...thank you!!! :) *hugs*
Oh...I think I already know who's the baby...But I'm not going to tell! :D
Hi guys! This is the first vid I upload into this site and...the sound sucks...really...but please don't be mean for me because of that...It's just my stupid windows movie maker...it freezes everyime I put music on the vids...so the sound I used is like a narration...:( Well hope you like...the vid at least...:) Song: Not gonna get us - TATU <embed src="http://video.kh-vids.net/vidiac.swf" FlashVars="video=a4212011-60e2-4ea9-b823-993700b52b31" quality="high" bgcolor="#ffffff" width="428" height="352" name="ePlayer" align="middle" allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer"></embed>
YAY!!! MArluxia X3 <3 I Loved it!! So well done!!! And the song! it's great!! 5 stars!! And you know...I'm a Marluxia fangirl!! :3 xD
YAY!! Pink hair!! xD It sure looks good on him!!! xD No seriously! I like his hair! A baby? OMG!! Who is it? I can't wait to know!! Another great chapter!! Keep it up!! You already know what to do when the next part is up don't ya? :) Anyways, I loved it!! <3
*sniff* Gotta go now guys...I have to study for my exams...*cries* See ya later!! *hugs* :)
I would always start with the sword. It's the weapon I like the most and I'd need to have something strong to attack the enemies, right?
Thanks for the cookie CtR!! *hugs*
MY HERO IS.......my little sister of 8 years old!!! xDDD I love her!!! :3
I just love fantasy Books!! They're awsome!!! OH!! I almost forgot manga!! I <3 manga!!! :3