"NOOOOO!!!! put down that knife Naminé!!! Ish too dangerous!!!" (OOC: Yeah right...and his scythe isn't...xDDDD)
I LOVED IT!!! <3 Great!! Really great!! ...............xDDDDDD OMG!!!! Marluxia forgot to wear his pants!!! xDDDDD I laughed sooooooo hard at that!!! xDDDDD How could he...how?!! xDDDD I can't wait to see the next chapter!! This is getting really, really, really interesting!! :)
*imediatly looks at the rose* "OH!! pretty!!!" *realises that Riku was running from him* "COME BACK HERE!!!"
LOOOOOOL XDDD OMG!!!! SOOOO funny!!! I've been watching these and they're so funny!! xDDD I loved it!! <3 :)
I think snakes are pretty cool but...They give me the creeps...:p I really like snakes, but not near me!! xD
Marluxia: *points* LOOK!! it's Kairi!!! Sora:*looks around* Where? where? *gets cursed*
My fav is Simple and clean!! Well...there are a lot of versions of this song...I love them all!!! :)
I think Sephiroth would win...But I'm sure it wasn't going to be an easy battle...Xemnas is really strong too... =D
Bad reputation in your pants... xD
*looks at Xigbar* "Yup that's true!! We can always try to fix the problem by ourselves...What do you guys say?" *looks around at every member* "So..."
*still searching for Riku, scythe in hand* "Oh Riku! Where are you? My little scythe wants to play..." (OOC: heheh...Insane Marluxia....xD lol)
OH!!! Thanks!! I've been seeying mine on my User CP and I got 6 points!! YAY FOR ME!! xDDDD
Hi familly!!!! Everything's fine? .......what's a rep? :D *blinks*
OMG!! OMG! OMG!!! xDDDDD Soooooooooo funny!!!! xDDDD Really...I can't...stop.....laughing!!! xDDDD Great job!! I loved it Anniexo!! <3 And the lip sync is awsome!! Please do more!! I like your vids!! :3 OMG!!!! MARLUXIA!!! x3 ..........I choked on my cookie again....xD
"What the...That's crazy, Vexa!!!" *stares at her*
*looks around* "WHERE ISH RIKU?!!! HE CUTTED MY HAIR!! NOW I'LL CUT IS HEAD!!!" *summons schyte* ".....Heavy...."
OH NOES!!! xDDD Don't worry about it! As long as it came out...:)
HI there! welcome to KH-vids.net!!!(como se esta fosse a 1ª vez k te falo xDD) Post a lot and have fun!!! If you need any help just talk to us! (fala cmg, mais precisamente looool)
omg!!! 6 hours!!! It's almost done!!!! Weeeeeeee!!! .......ok.....xDDD