Marly is a bad guy!! BAD GUY!!! xD But...I like him...xD Once again, great chapter!!! I'm loving this story!! really!! It's awsome!! :) Can't wait to the next part!!! :D
...Damn! You pwned me EP!! xDD Gotta go now!! My little sis wants to come to the computer...and I have to study...again...*curses school* See ya guys!! :)
Oh!! thanks for the drink TCO!!! Hi!! C-S!! How're you? :) o3o ....ohhhhhh... disco ball...xD
Did I heard the word...PARTY?!! OMG! YEAH!!! xD
*Sees Xemnas destroing a book with kittens on it* "What are you doing?! NOOO!! Don't hurt the little cute kitties!!!" *takes book from his hands* "You're mean!!!" *looks at the book* "Don't be afraid little kitties...I'm not going to let Xemnas hurt you..." *Sticks toungue out at Xemnas* (OOC: Aww...sooo cute...xD)
I'm fine thanks...just a bit in Portugal is a bit hard...:p
"You...the boss? ...meanie...I like my scythe more than your laser pointy thingy that ish ugly...yeah...ish ugly..." *turns his back on Xemnas, pouting*
Hi guys!!! How's everyone? :) I'm sorry I wasn't here for a say the the last days I just logged on this site...but I did nothing...I had to study...and I still have...:( anyways today was my poruguese exam went well...:)'s everyone? :)
*sees Xemnas puting a laser pointer on the pocket* "Ohhhh!! I want one of these too!! Ish pretty!!"
*walks to Larxene* "Larxene, Larxene, C'mon look into my eyes. Now, everytime you want to eat some of the members just breathe deep and think on another thing aside from food, ok? It works with me...I think...But ok, just try not to eat them or else you'll end up trying to eat Xigbar that is a lion by now..." (OOC: o_O' oh my...xD OK! Hope to see ya soon Jordier0xs0x!! :))
"YOU WHAT???!!!" *Shocked...really shocked* "HOLY FLOWERS!!!"
"Thanks for helping me...OH MY GOD ITS YOU NAMINE!!!(OOC: LOOOL XDDD)" *looks at Naminé's hand only to see that she wasn't holding the knife anymore* "W...where's the knife?" *looks around, confused. Sees Xemnas. He's mad at something* "What ish wrong Xemnas?" *blinks*
OMG!!! MARLUXIA JUST SAY SOMETHING BEFORE THEY GET TO FAR!! xDD Just kidding!! xDDD LOOOOL xD This time Marluxia didn't forgot to wear his pants...xDDD One more time, I loved it!! I'm really enjoying this story!!! :)
*closes mouth* "No I'm not breathing!!!" (OOC: xDDD)
"NOOOO!!!" *falls on the floor pretending to be dead* "I'm dead you can't kill me...." (OOC: OMG!!! xDD Dead kid is talking!! xDD)
OMG!!! xD that's funny xD I've already seen that vid on youtube some day...I think I left them a comment! xD
*jumps and closes eyes* "AHHHHHHHHH!! NO NAMINÉ!!! DON'T KILL ME!!!!" *opens eyes and sees Xemnas* "Oh! Ish you...I tought it was Naminé...she has that knife with blood on it...and she's scaring me and Riku to dead!!"
*scared to dead* "Y...Yeah...he's crying...why don't you go to him...he...he needs a hug...R...Riku...n...needs a hug..." *looks at knife* "BLOOD!!!" *drops scythe and runs* (OOC:...Marluxia has a scythe and Naminé has a knife...and still...he runs from her...good...xDDDDD)
OMG!!! Nightmares!!! I hope I don't have any about that!! xDDDDDDD
Great as always!! I really loved this chapter!! OMG!!! Xemnas own those pyjamas!!! xDD I really wasn't expecting that!! xDDDDD OH! by the way...Have I already told you that I really love your writting style? It's simply amazing!!! :) Can't wait for the next part!!! :D