Bye!!! *hugs* See ya later!! :)
*looks at Larxene's hands* "...You're hands are stuck with the glue...funny...hehehe" *grabs scissors* "Naminé freed my hand of my hair when it was stuck, with this...*shows scissors to Larxene* " I wonder If this can free your hands too..." (OOC: o_O OMG...xD)
*turns to Larxene* "A poisonous spider have biten Riku...and he fainted!! We told a teacher to call an ambulance since we don't know what's wrong with him..."
LOOOL xD it's my favorite of the 3 pictures! :)
*looks at Demyx* " My teeth my be hurt but my paws aren't!!" *runs at Demyx but quickly stops* "What am I doing again? Why am I attacking Demyx? C'mon this is just stupid! Why would I want to eat a turtle?" *walks over to Demyx* "You want something?" (OOC: o_O talk about double personality...xD)
LOOK!! It's the cuteness!!! THE CUTENESS!! xD Cuuuutee!! x3:D
´LooL xD It's you and me Roxlen... *yawns* xD
Hello Roxlen!! How ya doin'? :) I have lots of them too!! I love them sooooo much!! xD So cute and funny!! xD Awww...Demyx is afraid....*hugs him* Don't be ok? :) xDD
Me too...they're so cute! x3 I'm gonna search for more cute and funny pics! :)
That sooooo cute!!! "Would you love me? Even though I've no heart..." AWWWWWWW....sooooooooooooo cute!!! *hugs Marly* x3
"OUCH!!! My paw!!!" *glares at Demyx* "YOU'RE GONNA GET IT!!!" *jumps on Demyx Shell and bites* "AAAAHHHHHH!!! My teeth!!" (OOC: ...ouch...poor teeth..xD)
D...Demyx and Axel...*cries and cries and cries and cries* I think Marluxia heard what I said...LOOK!! xDD ohhhhhhhhhhhhh.... cute!!!! x3 <3
"You don't taste very well Demyx? How do you know that? Have you eaten yourself?" *laughs* "Oh...Saïx asked me that earlier..." *pokes shell* "Does it tickles? It won't tickles anymore if you got out of your shell..." *pokes, pokes, pokes, pokes*
LLOOOLL xDDD I just have chain of memories for gameboy advance...xD *cries loud* You're right!! I can't defeat Marluxia because...because...*cries* If I defeat him he's gonna die and...and...*cries* I don't want to think about it!!! *cries* I'm gonna miss him...I LOVE HIM!!! DID YOU HEARD ME MARLUXIA? I LOVE UUUUUU!!! xDDDDDDDDD
"Simple...I just can't eat anything I used to when I was a human...and I've never ate turtle before...I wonder how it tastes..." *poke, poke*