" Hmm where did he run off to?" Lament asked her self walking around. She stopped in front of the black smiths and looked around outside with her back facing the door.
She looked at all of the people passing her. She soon lost sight of Thorn in the crowd. " Crud." She mumbled and went searching for him.
Lament walked silently behind him.
OOC: He did? I don't remember. hm oh well. lol BIC: " Woah." She whispered.
" What in the world?" Lament whispered as she continued to follow him.
Lament watched from behind a tree.
When she heard him comming she quickly ran outside.
Lament just sat there. " What in the world? Now I'm even more curious." She whispered to herself.
Lament listned from the bottom of the stairway. Their voices echoed so it was easy for her to hear.
" Thank you." Lament said to Erif. " Well then I have to get to work." She stood up and headed outside.
" No you didn't. As soon as I said fatal you just had to go and try it out. I'm right aren't I?" She said softly.
" I'm sorry, but if you had just listened to me before and not have drank the whole potion before, than I wouldn't have had to tell you that and you wouldn't have had to drink that discusting potion." She said walking over and sitting next to him on the couch.
" You wont actually die. Not one of my potions have the power to do that. I just said that so that you would drink the potion you're drinking now, because I knew you wouldn't drink it if you didn't think something terrible would happen to you. But you deserved it for wasting my potion." She said.
Lament started laughing as he drank the bottle. She tried to hide it by cover her mouth.
" It's ok, just drink this. It's going to taste about 3 times as worse as the other one but you'll be ok." Lament said.
" Well you should have thought of that before you drank the whole thing after I just told you not to." She said.
" Y..your blue. Did you drink that whole thing!!?" She asked looking at the empty bottle. " Didn't I just tell you the effects could be fatal. You might not just turn blue, something else might happen you could even DIE!!" Lament said.
She decided to go check on Thorn just incase. Walking up the stairs the feeling got stronger. " Thorn what did you do.......now...." Lament said but when she saw him, trailed off. He was completely blue.
Lament worked on her potions. She had a strange feeling in the pit of her stomach, like something was wrong. But she ignored it.
Lament walked over to the table and put the potion on it. " I'll leave it here for you, you'll need to take a sip every couple of minutes untill it's completely gone. Just don't drink it all in one gulp. It could have fatal effects." She said and walked back outside to her other potions.