OOC: Ok I'll stay up a little later. lol BIC: " UGH her again." Lament mumbled and rolled her eyes.
Lament quickly hid behind a barel. ( Thorns barel) OOC: Sorry i gtg be back tomarrow.
" Thorn?" She asked looking around when she heard his voice. " Where the heck are you?"
Lament stopped at the place where she had heard his voice comming from. "Where'd you go?" She said aloud.
She heard him call her name. " THORN!!" She yelled hoping he could hear her as she started running in the direction of his voice.
Lament ran through the city and back to where she had lost thorn. " THORN!!!!!" She yelled out hoping to get his attention.
She stopped, out of breath. " I'll...never...make...it...in...time..." She said between gasps. Then she remembered that thorn was in the town and she started back.
Lament ran through the woods, trying to think of an easier and faster way to contact everyone without alerting the king.
Lament started running. She knew she needed to find help to attack all of these TLO's.
Lament turned around when she heard the marching, she stood there frozen once she saw them.
Lament looked around for Thorn. " Hmmm I wonder where he went." She mumbled.
" So then Thorn.... Thorn?" Lament turned around and saw that he wasn't there anymore.
" Yes I do think that sometimes." She said.
" Yes to tell you the truth when you told me just now that he helped you I didn't think it really sounded like something he would do, or talk about at least." She said.
" Hm, well that was very nice of him." She said, also with a smile on her face.
Lament spun around to face her. " Oh really?" She said to her.
" So then....all of these people..... are like you." She said and looked at the crowd of people.
" I dunno, bored I guess." She said and looked up at him smiling.
She looked down at her feet. " I..umm. followed you." Her voice was very quiet.
Lament quickly turned around. " Oh um....hi." she said looking at him.