" New ability?" She asked confused.
Diana stopped her hand, thinking he was talking to her. She was so caught up in the moment that she didn't even notice the two men trying to help her.
" No way am I going to leave. There's too many of them." She said.
Panthera turned around and growled at the two men. He didn't want anyone to put Daina's life in more danger, and he wanted to kill the man, as soon as the time was right. " I'm sorry but that's not something I'm able to give you." Diana said as she slowly tried to move her hand to the dagger by her waist.
" So this is how you feel everyday? Like you want to puke? No wonder you're always in a bad mood." She said.
" Panthera was right.....well if its the treasure you want then your out of luck. We aren't all that rich. All of it was used to try and save my mother but it was just a waste. We've got nothing." She said.
Lament put her hand on her forhead. " Thorn? What happened?" She asked clinging to him for support.
Panthera wanted to spring and kill him, but he didn't want to risk Diana's life. He snarled and growled and bared his teeth. Diana stood there breathing hard. "Why are you doing this? Want do you want?" She asked.
Diana spun around.
Lament felt odd. And she couldn't see anything or hear anything. She felt almost sick.
Diana became more and more uneasy as they walked.
" Fine." Diana said but hopped off her horse and grabbed the reigns. Panthera walked slowly next to her, keeping his eyes on the guard.
Lament heard someone say die. " ERIF WHAT'S GOING ON!!" She yelled.
She glanced down at Panthera and he glanced at her. " No."
Lament suddenly became afraid. She didn't know what was going on.
Panthera growled even more. Diana became uneasy. " He's a lot more powerful than he may seem." She said.
" That's fine, but you don't have to worry about my protection...." She said and looked down at Panthera. " ...really."
" Uhhh yeah." Lament said a little suspicious.
Diana smiled an nodded. " Thank you very much." She said. Panthera never took his eyes off him as they walked. " He seems fine to me." Diana suddenly whispered.
Lament looked at Erif with one of her eye brows raised.