" I mean I do feel kind of bad. I don't want him to die down there." Diana whispered to Panthera sitting on the floor with her back against a book shelf. " Your too soft Diana. That man almost killed you." He thought laying down next to her with his head on her lap.
" Yeah that was pretty big." She said laying down next to him.
She sat down. " It's ok, I mean I love this power. I don't get what's so bad about it." She said, not thinking about all of the other things.
Lament walked over to Thorn. " You ok?" She asked bending down next to him.
Panthera nudged her. He could hear Zane from the dungeon. " Sounds like our little bloodling isn't having much fun down there." He thought to her. Diana looked down at him. " Well he deserves it.....doesn't he?" She whispered to him.
Lament looked around. " Nice job everyone." She said smiling.
She led him into the library. " Your welcome to look around and pick out anything you want." She said.
Lament continued to use her new power. She liked it alot, especially being able to use it without a spell.
" Oh sure." Diana said and started walking down the hall to the library.
" So what was it that you needed to talk to me about?" Diana asked.
" Yes." She said, kind of answering both of their questions.
" Oh yes!! It's so good to see you again." Diana said smiling politly to him.
Diana looked over the gaurds shoulder. " Um may I ask who you would be?" She asked glancing down at Panthera. He seamed at ease so she knew that the man was safe.
Diana went up the the gaurd. He was talking to someone at the door. " Um... excuse me. I don't mean to interupt but I was just wondering where the kitchen is." She asked.
" Can we get something to eat first. I could eat a whole horse. Seriously." Panthera thought to her. Diana smiled. " Sure I'm hungry too." They started heading down the halls. Turning corners, soon they were completley lost. " Ummm.... weren't we just here?" Diana said looking at a picture that they had past about 5 times. " Yes. Nice job getting us lost." Panthera thought. " Hey your the cat here. Aren't you supposed to have a good sense of direction?" Diana asked. " Oh forget it, I'll just ask that gaurd over there by the door." She said and walked up to him.
" Men." She mumbled and walked out of the dungeon completely. " Remind me again why we went down there." Panthera thought to her. " Ugh I don't even know. Let's just forget about him and let him rot down there." She said to him, heading back to the library.
" Yeah but you kind of announced that you were a bloodling by threatening me." She said. " Otherwise they probably wouldn't have found out about you."
OOC: At the castle BIC: " Well you shouldn't have threatened me if you didn't want to end up like this." Diana said.
" USELESS!!" She yelled and stormed out of the dungeon, Panthera following.
" Ugh your useless!! And here I was ready to set you free if you cooperated with me." Diana said.