Diana turned a corner and was pinned to the ground by Panthera. " PANTHERA!!" She said surprised. " Oh sorry I thought you were Zane. He escaped." He said getting off her. She stood up and started running down the hall. " Well we can't let him get away!" she said. He followed after her.
Diana heard the comotion from upstairs and she ran back upstairs and headed towards the yelling.
Panthera continued to chase after Zane. Diana heard comotion comming from the dungeon and headed down the stairs.
Panthera started to chase him up the stairs.
" When I'm done with you, you'll be wishing I ate you!" He thought growling and snappingin his face. Diana wondered what was taking Panthera so long. And what he was doing. She got up and headed out of the library.
Panthera snapped his teeth in his face, growling.
Panthera snarled and pounced on him. Pinning him to the floor. Looking down at him, he bared his teeth.
Panthera got down in a crouch with it's butt up in the air. Ready to pounce when he came around the corner. " This is it. He dies right here."
Panthera's ears perked up and he lifted his head. " I'll be right back." He said bounding away. Diana just rolled her eyes and re-focused on her book. Panthera headed into the dungeon quietly. Peering around the corner he saw that Zane had escaped.
OOC: Ok i gtg though sorry.
OOC: kk BIC: Lament walked through the woods and into the city. She walked into the center of town and sat down by the fountain.
Diana took out a book and started reading it with Panther's head on her lap.
She looked around but couldn't find Thorn. " Must be sleeping." She whispered walking back outside. She didn't want to wake him up.
She got to the tree house and headed up the stairs quietly.
After a couple of hours she got up and headed to the tree house.
Lament just layed there staring up at the clouds.
She chuckled an layed back down and stared at the clouds.
" Ok. Sure, I'll meet you there later then?" She said.
" Oh um ok." Lament said.
" Yeah sure, anything." She said.