ok ok wipes face im gettin tired hehheh
Aw ma face is ruined starts to chase kairi
its ok *hidin cake behind back* throws it right in kairis face OPPS :p
Xiegin backs up *hand signs* Xiegin- fire style fire ball jutsu *shootin multiple balls at sakura hittin her a couple times*
ah runs away n hids
hey!!! throws back
*starts cuttin cat with kairi* gues ill help
OOC: oo i ment hit the ground lolz
Xiegin then rushes at sakura Xiegin- HA *hits her n ches messin up her insides*
.... i wonder where every1 is......
OO yea nicnic our amv heh yea now its a party
Xiegin flys accross the hall Xiegin- not done yet "byakugan(sp)"
OO i gues its time to party :D
nah im good lookin around to see where they went
yea thtll be pretty nic
Yea sure np
Xiegin then comes behind them Xiegin there *hand signs* fire style Phenix flare jutsu *hits them both*
OO kolkol cake time :D
Gettin hit by Sakura Xiegin then disappears
Ok ty for the help