good story keep up da good work
Nic job really good job cant w8 till chapter 3 :D
Hey that was really great :D i hope u keep on writtin it was gooood :D
That was pretty nic cant w8 for chp 5 :D
i say limit form is the best
Aw is that really wat happen well den im sorry for wat happen
yea ill pay ma respects here he was a good fren
I get quiet a bit lolz but dunt really kno
O wowo lolz well i gtg for now ill cya ltr party will continue when more ppl get back on :D cya ltr
lolz ur holdin cam?? n thts ur skol?
Nah ma skol dances suk lolz
o wwowo lols i got a skol dance comin up but im not goin
hmhmh hmhmhmh hmmhm im gettin tired XD
Ahhh to many vids lolz ma head is spinin XD
wowoww all dez vids lolz
LOLz funny vids
heh lik 100000000 vids lolz
heheh lolz funny funny
ok ty for commin cya later
LOlz kikame u n des vids