Naruto came runnin down to Kashuma side. "Hey u ok..." seeing more rocks comin at him Naruto pulls out 1 sword and gets ready to fight..
Naruto gets up quite slowly wonderin wats goin on and who is everyone... "man where am i and wats goin on?" he said to himself walkin off
Nice to meet u Rick *still dassed* My name is Naruto
Huh wat, Naruto said gettin up slowly Wh...who r u people...?
It was pretty good need to do a little fixes here n there but yea its great :D
Naruto looks up n around wonderin wats goin on and who r all these people? Naruto is really confused and doesnt kno what to do
Screenname: Xiegin Desired Character (Can be from any show/game/movie/Forum): Naruto Show/Game/Movie: Created from mind Weapon (Duel is allowed): Duel swords Description of Character (Link Preferred): Power: Fire Controlin Time Reason for Joining: Sounds lik fun
Heheh that was a funny chapter lolz i liked it :D
well ill cya yall in lik 2 days or so im gone (out of town n lik 4 more hors cya need some sleep)
well heh i mite not be on at all tommaro XD
well wat time itll be im really busy tommaro so its no gurantee ima be there sry
Nah ma back broke cant bow down Sry....
*takes picture* kol dis goes n da photo album heh
heh funny stuff out here
*dosin off* Yawn im gettin tired here XD
*sitin down* hmmm when is it goin to start XD
aw man KxR not here ....
Hey chap 3 was good keep on writtin its gettin better n better :D
Hmm well i dunno u can choose heh just somethin nic
Hmm eventhough it was sad.. u did good