Hey this sounds nice mind if i be sora?
Hey wsup hav Fun here read the rules and enjoy urself
Its a really good poem heh nic job its sad but its nic :D
Pretty kol pictures u got there :D good job
Hey that was great keep up the good work hope to see more :D
Alright all this is ma last messege n this fam cause i am leavin Not joinin any other fams but i fill lik i need 2 so ill be seein u all later
Huh wsup all hows it goin?
sup all hows it goin?
Iight umm so wsup heh
Good stuff enjoyed it keep up da good work
OO thats good heh cant w8 till other chapter gettin better n better
Pretty good kikame keep up da good work :D
Ok im here wsup all
Aw i missed it...
good job man quite good keep up da good work
Hey that was pretty good heh i do peotry i little here n there but not latly but yea its good :D
Good quiestion, Naruto said seems lik they are protecting somethin
"Hey wsup Medli" naruto said "well nothin much happen just fightin and he did somethin and got knocked out" after that Naruto goes back in to fight this time pullin out both his swords
Naruto Backs off from fightin to get Kasuma out of there "hey u ok..."
Naruto starts to fight off the rocks "Man wats goin on" he said gettin hit to the ground " i will not give up" He starts to release his fire abilities releasin fire all over his body