I'd Do Anything - Simple Plan
Forget My Name - New Found Glory
Helping people isn't a bad thing, it's something that we all have to do sometime in our lives (hopefully all of us). But you should'nt make people extremely dependant on you. If they do, you should tell them that you can help, but sometimes they ahve to stand up for themselves.
Figure 0.9 in your pants
A family kind :)
I'm not sure that I did anything funny...the closest thing I did was climb random trees on Destiny Islands, which isn't very funny at all :p
Broken Hearts Parade - Good Charlotte
I know I'm cheering for Sephiroth, but I'm not exactly sure.
Cheesecake !
1985 - Bowling For Soup
1985 in your pants.
Me Against The World - Simple Plan
Kairi....I dunno who the other one is.
Teenagers - My Chemical Romance
Hey guys! I'm currently working on a new video, but I'm usin WMM with no added effects so it's gonna take forever >< lol. I'll post it on youtube when I'm done (cause I dunno how to post it here on the site). Just sayin. :) So what's goin on?
I Just Wanna Live - Good Charlotte
In Too Deep - Sum41
I'd get hit by a car. Quicker if I die, but like everyone said, I could still live.
Hey everybody!
Figure 0.9 - Linkin Park