19266 Yeah, I like writing stories a lot.
I make one like every 2 days. I need good pics though, and I'm running out.
19264 I'm planning on joining once it's up. I'd be new to RPs though.
19260 Good morning!
Good Morning, CtR! Even though it's 6 pm here! Like my new sig? (I'm asking that often now, lol I keep on making a new one). Like all my others, it's a xerty original.
Who knows? It could be any reason in the world...
He just needs armor when he's riding a big metal dragon thingy, and a white and black jacket fighting 2 Keybearers. What else is there?
That makes sense too. But then again, what minion that no one has seen before? I'm just saying...
Lol yeah I was being weird earlier until SvA told me it was Xemnas, cuz I wasn't listening to the voice, I was focused on the battle. But yeah, it is Xemnas.
I'm fine. Man I've gone through a couple of different sigs today.
19257 I might join, if I manage to have time.
Racism, stereotypes, being frustrated (mad at myself), being annoyed by anyone (but it depends on how PO'ed I am at them).
Jack Sparrow. He's funnier, crazier, and more insane.
19250 Oh, okay. I'd be happy to join, but I guess that I'd be making a KH style character :p
19248. Sorry if it's just me, but what's a bleach character? I'm guessing it's a character made from scratch.
19246 That's really cool. So I guess you'll have people be Soul Reapers, Org. Members and Keybearers, right?
19244 Yes, it's a yes. I like stories, even though I've never actually been included in an RP before.
Ever since hearing Phenomenon in the amv by Budds and khfreak87, I downloaded and it's been stuck in my head.
19242 That'd be interesting.
And when I told a friend of mine that they were the same in a way, he doubted me. That's a really cool find.