lol, pwnt. Sounded like thunder, I crawled under my blankie. No one heard that, I hope.
19404 We all would be terribly terribly sad.
*looks in cabinet* Where did my Cherrios go?
Lol it didn't take long, and it was stroke of luck that got it so blendiful.
For some reason, I just don't like Harry Potter books/character. But I enjoy the movies...
19401 asdflkjasf
Thanks, I made it myself. As it says in my sig already.
19399 I dun think so.
Cool. But me likes jars of dirt as well.
Is anyone on? Hi then.
Wassup family! How's everyone?
Banned for joining in June as well.
Yay! I need something to do.
1985 - Bowling For Soup
Bye CtR! Cya tomorrow I gues. Wow, redundant, posted the same thing on count to a million thread.
19304 Bye CtR! Cya tomorrow I guess.
Noes! Now no 0 post count :(. But I'll live. lolz
19299 O_o
I could.....but if I delete won't I have no posts (not just in post count but no one can see what I've said already)?
19297 *breakdances* I can do the worm :p!