joins in chanting, while eating pasta
ha, now i'm thinking of yoda
ooc: anyone know what happened to emo pengwin? Quid went back into the market area looking for naomi
oh well, everyone dance!!
man, my wedding went by really fast compared to this
i really like them, especially the big castle/city in the first one
*holds up popscicle* to teh wedding!!!
i'd get PS3 and Xbox360, i already have Wii :D
*dances then jumps around*
hey man welcome to the forums, be sure to follow the rules, and post alot have fun
happy time!
aww you just got married *revives then kills bunnies*
heh, it's about time NOW WE PARTY!!!
i would join them XP
hey anyone wonder what was with his pants when he was like that?
YAY ^^ *Brings the rings*
oh yeah i'm the ring bearer! *gets out rings* :stupid:
*starts crying* i get so emotional during weddings!!! lol :cryinganime: